
The New York State Republican Party is literally falling apart. I was born and raised in New York and I can't remember it ever being in the dire circumstances it is in now. All the New York Republican politicians are at each other's throats. The only thing that everybody seems able to agree about is that it's all Pataki's fault. According to the newest SUSA polling, Pataki's popularity with his state's voters is right down there at the very bottom of the list with the most detested Republicans in the nation: Bob Taft (OH), the only one already convicted of a crime and the only one with approval ratings rivaling Osama bin-Laden's, Frank Murkowski (AK) Roy Blunt (MO), Arnold Schwarzenegger (CA), Bush crony Mitch Daniels (IN), and, of course, Ernie Fletcher (KY), the only one who has been indicted-but-not-tried-yet. Great company-- and well-deserved. 37% of New Yorkers approve of Pataki's job performance.

So... he seems to think he should run for president (since he's still smarting from Bush passing over him for Secretary of State and picking his tutor instead). Why would someone who is considered to have done a completely miserable job as New York governor, leaving the state and his party in chaotic shambles, think the nation would want him? Especially after 8 miserable years of George Bush. Your guess is as good as mine-- particularly if you're guessing he's looking for a future Cabinet position or at least an ambassadorship above the Andorra or Fiji or Paraguay position he may have earned. Nevertheless, today's Des Moines Register reports that he's been able to recruit a gaggle of Iowa political operatives.
Yes, no one has ever accused him of not having some wealthy supporters willing to let him waste their money-- especially because he has delivered so mightily for them over the last decade or so. He has been able to rent Iowa's former State Senate GOP leader, Stewart Iverson, as Iowa chairman of his PAC. And, if that weren't enough, Pataki managed to snag (or get snagged by, depending on your perspective) Ed Failor, Jr, executive vice president of Iowans for Tax Relief (probably a better name that what it really is-- Iowans Wanting To Make Sure The Rich Pay No Taxes). Pataki also signed up Benton County Republican Chairman Loras Schulte and 2 party activists/yentas, Diane Crookham-Johnson and Jo Ellen Hill.
Tomorrow Pataki will be in Iowa again (his 6th visit since he decided to make believe he's running for president). Saturday is the state Republican Party convention and besides Pataki, Iowans of the far right persuasion can expect to see an assorted parade of loons and nitwits. George Allen, another kook with no chance to become president but who is desperate to find a new job, will be there for sure.
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