
Sunday, June 25, 2006


Dick Durbin (D-IL) is no Barack Obama but he is a really good senator. His voting record is stellar (except for his proclivity to support Big Business interests over consumer and worker interests a little more than a Democrat should). And maybe that's the basis of his willingness to lay waste to the Democratic Party if it takes that to support his crony and fellow Big Business hack, George Bush's and Ann Coulter's favorite Democrat, Joe Lieberman.

This morning, the Democrat's senate whip-- who should understand party discipline and is no longer qualified for a leadership position in the party and should resign immediately from that role-- was a guest on This Week with George Stephanopoulos where he was asked if he would support Ned Lamont if Connecticut voters chose him in the August 8 primary (as looks more and more likely everyday). Durbin said regardless of the outcome of the primary, he would support Lieberman. I guess he and Schumer must be talking a lot.

Dick Durbin may be a hero to corporate lobbyists and old guard DLC Lieberman dead-enders. But Russ Feingold never ceases to give grassroots Democrats-- you know, the real ones who haven't been contaminated by too many years Inside the Beltway-- reasons to love him. Today on MEET THE PRESS Feingold stated the obvious-- and what every Democrat shouldn't have to think twice about saying-- that he would be supporting whomever the majority of Connecticut Democrats vote for in the primary. (He also mentioned that his positions are more in line with Ned Lamont's but that he would support Lieberman if Lieberman is the Democratic nominee.)

Let's keep our eyes on Durbin. And anyone who wants to show him what they think of his insult to Connecticut and to grassroots Democrats everywhere, here's an ACT BLUE Page that has buckets for Ned Lamont and for Russ Feingold's Progressive Patriots Fund (open for biz 24/7).


He only said he would support Lieberman in the primary, not after he loses it. He was weasley and slimy about avoiding the question in regard to what he will do when Lamont beats Lieberman on August 8.

Meanwhile, another Lieberhund, Dick Morris, may be looking to break his perfect record of being wrong about everything always. Questioned by Taegan Goddard about the Connecticut race, Morris has ill-tidings for his fellow corporate shill:

"I think Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) will lose the primary and will be so crippled by the defeat and Ned Lamont (D) so empowered, that he will lose the general election as an independent. Sen. Jacob Javits (R-NY), in 1980, could have avoided defeat by not fighting the Republican Primary against Sen. Al D'Amato (R-NY) and running as an independent. But D'Amato was so empowered by the primary win and Javits so disempowered that he won the general election with Javits running a poor third. Lieberman's correct course of action is to withdraw from the primary and run as an independent. It is the only way he can get re-elected."


  1. Anonymous6:16 PM

    While Durbin is an obviously intelligent man and a competent Senator, he's no leader. His apology, on the floor of the Senate, for speaking out on the despicable policies of the Rethugs regarding Guantanamo and torture was pathetic. I lost all respect for him after that shameful display.
    OTOH, my respect for Feingold only grows each time I hear him speak. His forceful comments regarding Liebershit on MTP today were wonderful. "Why yes lil' Timmy, I WILL be supporting the DEMOCRATIC candidate in Conneticutt!"

    Maybe, just maybe, a loss by Joe (the sanctimonius prick) Lieberman will teach
    some of the other sobbing sisters on the left to either lead, join the revolution, or get the fuck out of the way.

  2. I wrote Dick Durbin to tell him how horrible his comments were on Lieberman. These guys just don't get it and Feingold does.

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Dick is usually one of my favorites. It is becoming clearer as time goes on, buck Bush and get popular. Sorry some are so slow to get it.
