
Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) has one of the worst voting records of anyone in the House of Representatives. He is tied for dead last on every single category of Big Business kiss-up, everything that has to do with destroying public education, everything related to fair taxes, family planning, health care, housing, human rights and civil liberties, impartial justice, fairness for working men and women, and everything to do with war and peace. His voting record is stunning. A former crooked real estate developer he's among the 25 most extremist right-wing radicals in the entire Congress. Before being elected to Congress in a freak accident in 2004, he had been referred to as a "braying jackass" by the Speaker of Georgia's House of Representatives.
Now he represents Georgia's 8th congressional district, south of Atlanta through Macon and Warner-Robbin and south and south and south. He's been in cahoots with all the big players in the Republican Culture of Corruption, taking dirty money from DeLay, Boehner, Blunt, etc. He's been a quintessential do-nothing rubber-stamp imbecile for the last 2 years but is eager to continue doing nothing and making good money for it.
Today he gave his Democratic challenger, Mike McGraw some hilarious ammunition. Somehow he wound up on the Colbert Report-- apparently his staff members are as swift as he is-- and John Amato has the whole amazing episode on CROOKS AND LIARS. He looks so stupid-- especially when he's advocating abolishing the Department of Education-- on the video that it makes one feel that this is a put on. But it's real and it enshrines Colbert as one of the greatest interviewers of all time. The best part of the interview is when Colbert reminds him that he sponsored a bill to display the 10 Commandments in public buildings. When Colbert asks him to name them... well, watch the video over at John's place.
If it weren’t so sad, it would be hilarious. Unfortunately, Westmorland represents everything that is wrong with our republican controlled government right now. All we can hope for, is that people come to their senses and boot guys like this out in November, and in their place elect people who will represent the interests of real, middle class Americans.
That was the most outrageous display of assinninity ever. Talk about a sign of the times.I think he'd make a grrrrreat president..
Having listened to and questioned Westmoreland at a public meeting in his home county of Coweta, I can only say there must be a more descriptive adjective than "dumb."
Neanderthal? Yes, that fits. I asked if he would give a time-line for withrawing troops from Iraq. No, it would tip off the enemy. How about 10, 20, 30 years and how many lives? I asked. It's gonna be a long, long time, he said. This from the man who wanted to cut Katrina funding. But pluck $$$ out of the air when our military is on thin edge and our purse is filled with borrowed dollars.
Dolph Honicker
Your comments strengthen my support for Lyn Westmorland. I especially dispise the name calling and the "dumb" taunts. Ad hominem rhetoric shows who the really dumb guys are.
I know you are but what am I?
Although posted long after these comments, I have to say I had to deal with this guy - who is a BIG supporter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans - many of whom would have been wearing sheets in earlier years. You should have listened to him speak at a memorial for a long-dead Confederate spy. Trust me - to him, the word "uppity" is a progressive adjective..... While many of his constituents think like he does, this is what you get in Congress when people vote "values" and party over common sense.....
A total embarrassment to us all.
I live in westmoreland's district, and the people here are as stupid as he is.
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