Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Call her what you want; newest White House Press Secretary, walking blonde joke, Baghdad Barbie, blow-up sex doll impersonator, or now, Body Bag Barbie, Ms. Kayleigh McEnany is a real piece of work. Of course she is. That's all they let into the White house these days. Being a nutjob is high on the list of qualifications, right up there with lying, racist, NAZI asshole, not just at the White House but for anyone who wants to adopt the republican lifestyle.

Being a White House Press Secretary under Trump also requires a special ability to lie almost as much as he does, do it in the most flagrant and obvious matter, and not care one iota. It takes real sociopathy and then some. Sean Spicer set the tone on his very first day with his infamous lying about the inauguration attendance. With Body Bag Barbie, it was the first thing that came out of her mouth at her first appearance: "I will never lie to you." That was her first lie. It's lying for lying's sake and the "art" of the lie. She's turned lying into some kind of perverse avante garde art form. From day one of the ongoing Trump fiasco, we've had Spicey the Bush Man, Sarah Huckster, Stephanie "The Invisible Girl" Grisham, and now this blond-ish thingie who looks like she does her hair with a combo of paint thinner and embalming fluid. She's determined to be the world champ of lying.

Callous evil is another quality that Trump, Pence and the gang look for. Last week McEnanay displayed that in spades when she said this about the question of opening the nation's schools as new COVID-19 petri dishes:
The president had said unmistakably that he wants schools to open and I was just in the oval talking with him about that and when he says open he means open in full, kids being able to attend each and every day at their schools. The science should not stand in the way of this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Barbie. Science and medicine is just so much mumbo jumbo. Throw 'em in the fire and let your god sort them out. First it was putting kids in cages. Now it's put them in a virus lab.

Body Bag Barbie then went on to quote some out of date studies on the contagiousness of the virus and blithely ignored the fact that while kids may or may not get sick and even die, they could serve as carriers back home to older humans in their households. Hey, whatever we can do to kill the most Americans, right Barbie? Perhaps, Trump administration officials should consider being guest teachers. Let's see how many of them get sick and/or even die, not that I'd want any one of them even near any kids I know. Of course, if any kids die, Trump and his team of psychotics and sociopaths will just pretend it never happened.

Actually watching film of Kayleigh reading her prepared statements makes what comes out of her mouth even worse. Concern or comprehension of the consequences of what she is saying is not one of her strong points and that is readily apparent. But, the above statement is how, in my book, Kayleigh graduated last week from being merely lying, detached, Baghdad Barbie to Body Bag Barbie. Remember, this is the bozo who, a couple of weeks ago, told us that her boss is the "most informed man on planet Earth." Now she out Kellyannes Kellyanne Conway, no small feat! She's now only one step from trying to sell Make America Great Again Body Bags (Now available in MAGABAG-Child-Sizeā„¢) on Sean Hannity's show. Made by Trump's My Pillow guy, of course.

Meanwhile, if Body Bag Barbie has any kids or even access to anyone else's kids, alert the local child welfare agency straight away.

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At 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, if Body Bag Barbie has any kids or even access to anyone else's kids, alert the local child welfare agency straight away."

She's a child herself. Call the authorities immediately!

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

America: putting village idiots into power since 1980.

when will the world finally realize that this shithole is not fixable.

At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Richard Langly said...

12:36, long before 1980. Lester Maddox, Gerald Ford. Joe McCarthy, Herbert Hoover... so many.

At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Point taken, Richard. But the population of DC and, especially, the white house, has been an unbroken string of village idiots since 1980. maybe 1968.

FTR: most CxOs of corporations, though they may know how to rig stock prices and so on, are village idiots. I've known several. it's true.


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