Putin Invested In A Trump Presidency-- He Won Big-- "These Are Dark Times. They Are About To Get Darker."
Will Trump dare go on the attack against Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R), who said yesterday she might not back his reelection? Maybe that's what she wants. Although Trump won the state's 3 electoral votes in 2016, he only scored 52.9% of the vote and his popularity has ticked down ever since. The Morning Consult Trump Tracker's last look at Alaska found that his job approval was at 51% and that since inaugural day he had lost 19 points. An internal campaign poll shows Trump reelect number at just a dismal 47%-- and last time she ran, Murkowski wasn't supported by the Republican Party establishment and won anyway. I bet there are a lot of Republican Members of Congress who wish they could say the same and not be dragged down to defeat in the anti-Trump wave that's going to sweep over the country in November.
This is what Murkowski had to say about Mattis' remarks about Trump yesterday: "When I saw General Mattis' comments yesterday I felt like perhaps we are getting to a point where we can be more honest with the concerns that we might hold internally and have the courage of our own convictions to speak up... I was really thankful. I thought General Mattis' words were true, and honest and necessary and overdue. And, I have been struggling for the right words, and I was encouraged a couple of nights ago when I was able to read what President Bush had written. And I found that to be empowering for me as one leader." Asked if she will back Trump's reelection, she said: "I am struggling with it. I have struggled with it for a long time I think you know that. I didn't support the President in the initial election, and I work hard to try to make sure that I'm able to represent my state well that I'm able to work with any administration and any president. He is our duly elected President I will continue to work with him. I will continue to work with this administration but I think right now as we are all struggling to find ways to express the words that need to be expressed appropriately, questions about who I'm going to vote for not going to vote for I think are distracting at the moment."
The immediate political problem may be Trump, but that is hardly the overarching political problem America is facing-- and our adversaries are aware or it-- and rejoicing in it. "The sight of U.S. police and other security forces tear gassing and beating up protesters are playing on television screens across the planet, offering irresistible fodder for foreign adversaries who’ve long accused the U.S. of hypocrisy. Never mind human rights records that are orders of magnitude worse than anything yet seen on America's streets-- some of these countries are now outright mocking U.S. officials.
Earlier this week, Chris Hedges noted that "The ruling elites no longer have legitimacy. They have destroyed our capitalist democracy and replaced it with a mafia state. What the Roman philosopher Cicero called a commonwealth, a res publica, a 'public thing' or the 'property of a people,' has been transformed into an instrument of naked pillage and repression on behalf of a global corporate oligarchy. We are serfs ruled by obscenely rich, omnipotent masters who loot the U.S. Treasury, pay little or no taxes and have perverted the judiciary, the media and the legislative branches of government to strip us of civil liberties and give them the freedom to commit financial fraud and theft."
This is what Murkowski had to say about Mattis' remarks about Trump yesterday: "When I saw General Mattis' comments yesterday I felt like perhaps we are getting to a point where we can be more honest with the concerns that we might hold internally and have the courage of our own convictions to speak up... I was really thankful. I thought General Mattis' words were true, and honest and necessary and overdue. And, I have been struggling for the right words, and I was encouraged a couple of nights ago when I was able to read what President Bush had written. And I found that to be empowering for me as one leader." Asked if she will back Trump's reelection, she said: "I am struggling with it. I have struggled with it for a long time I think you know that. I didn't support the President in the initial election, and I work hard to try to make sure that I'm able to represent my state well that I'm able to work with any administration and any president. He is our duly elected President I will continue to work with him. I will continue to work with this administration but I think right now as we are all struggling to find ways to express the words that need to be expressed appropriately, questions about who I'm going to vote for not going to vote for I think are distracting at the moment."
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That didn't take long! |
The immediate political problem may be Trump, but that is hardly the overarching political problem America is facing-- and our adversaries are aware or it-- and rejoicing in it. "The sight of U.S. police and other security forces tear gassing and beating up protesters are playing on television screens across the planet, offering irresistible fodder for foreign adversaries who’ve long accused the U.S. of hypocrisy. Never mind human rights records that are orders of magnitude worse than anything yet seen on America's streets-- some of these countries are now outright mocking U.S. officials.
Earlier this week, Chris Hedges noted that "The ruling elites no longer have legitimacy. They have destroyed our capitalist democracy and replaced it with a mafia state. What the Roman philosopher Cicero called a commonwealth, a res publica, a 'public thing' or the 'property of a people,' has been transformed into an instrument of naked pillage and repression on behalf of a global corporate oligarchy. We are serfs ruled by obscenely rich, omnipotent masters who loot the U.S. Treasury, pay little or no taxes and have perverted the judiciary, the media and the legislative branches of government to strip us of civil liberties and give them the freedom to commit financial fraud and theft."
The loss of control over our system of rulership, the misuse of all democratic institutions, the electoral process and laws to funnel money upwards into to a handful of oligarchs while stripping us of power, ominously means that the ruling elites can no longer claim the right to have a monopoly on violence. Violence employed by police and security agencies such as the FBI, which have devolved into occupying forces, to protect the exclusive interests of a tiny, ruling criminal class exposes the fiction of the rule of law and the treason of the ruling elites.
“In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience,” Stokely Carmichael warned. And if your opponent is bereft of a conscience, then state violence is inevitably met with counter-violence. Tyranny takes the place of reform. The danger of widespread sectarian violence in America is now very real.
There are three options: reform, which, given the decay in the American body politic, is impossible; revolution; or tyranny. The more things deteriorate, the more the elites feel threatened, the more brutal the police, the National Guard and the organs of state security will become. The longer the serfs defy their masters the more the populations in the jails and prisons, which are already the largest in the world, will swell.
If the mafia state is not overthrown, then America will become a naked police state where any opposition, however tepid, will be met with draconian censorship or force. Police in cities around the country have already thwarted the reporting by dozens of journalists covering the protests through physical force, arrests, tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray. The huge social divides, largely built around race, will be used by the neo-fascists in power to divert a legitimate rage by a betrayed working class to set neighbor against neighbor. Neo-fascist “patriots” will be unleashed like attack dogs against people of color, Muslims, feminists, intellectuals, artists, the media and liberals. Dissent, even nonviolent dissent, will become treason.
The uprisings in the streets of American cities are not only about the wanton murder by police of yet another person of color, but a frantic fight to wrest back power over our own lives. They go far behind police brutality, a daily reality for those trapped in our internal colonies where 1,100 citizens are murdered by police every year, almost all unarmed. The uprisings are fueled as well by the seizure of the institutional and structural mechanisms that once made some form of equality, always imperfect and always colored by an animus towards the poor and people of color, possible.
Half the country lives in poverty or a category called near poverty. The working class and the working poor are priced out of the health care system. The schools do not educate their children, who live without adequate food and often clean water, are repeatedly evicted from their homes, have their utilities shut off, cannot find jobs, are crippled by punishing debt peonage and with the pandemic are dying at disproportionally higher rates. They get the message the oligarchs are sending. They, and their children, are expendable. They don’t count. Their lives are of no consequence, unless they are locked in a cage where their bodies can generate as much as $60,000 a year for the multitude of corporations, including the for-profit medical services, food services, money transfer services, commissary services, phone services, private prisons and prison contractors, not to mention the large corporations and state governments that exploit the cheap and bonded labor of 1 million of our 2.3 million prisoners.
The prison system is a multi-billion dollar a year industry with lobbyists in state capitals and Washington making sure these bodies remain in cages or are put back into cages soon after they are released. The neo-slavery in our prisons is the corporate model envisioned for all of America.
The two ruling parties are equally complicit in this assault. The Democratic Party, in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, is trying to sell us a presidential nominee, Joe Biden, who was one of the principal architects of de-industrialization and responsible for the loss of hundreds of thousands of good, union jobs. Biden and Bill Clinton also destroyed our welfare program, where 70 percent of the recipients were children, and orchestrated the doubling of our prison population and the tripling and quadrupling of sentences.
...It is only the dwindling and largely white middle and professional classes who still believe the fiction that this election offers a choice or that we live in a democracy. The working class and the working poor know better. Their lives were, as Barbara Ehrenreich wrote, one long emergency before the pandemic. Now they face the prospect of bankruptcy this summer when unemployment and stimulus checks run out, the moratorium is lifted on evictions to double or triple the unhoused population of 11 million people and unemployment skyrockets to 25 percent. Forty-eight percent of front line workers remain ineligible for sick pay, and some 43 million Americans have just lost their employee-sponsored health insurance. Food banks are already overrun with tens of thousands of desperate families.
And in the midst of this crisis, what did our kleptocratic rulers do? They looted $4 trillion on a scale unseen since the 2008 bailout overseen by Barack Obama and Biden. They gorged and enriched themselves at our expense, while tossing crumbs out of the windows of their private jets, yachts and palatial homes to the suffering and despised masses.
The CARES Act handed trillions in funds or tax breaks to oil companies, the airline industry, which alone got $50 billion in stimulus money, the cruise ship industry, a $170 billion windfall for the real estate industry, private equity firms, lobbying groups, whose political action committees have given $191 million in campaign contributions to politicians in the last two decades, the meat industry and corporations that have moved offshore to avoid U.S. taxes. The act allowed the largest corporations to gobble up money that was supposed to go to keep small businesses solvent to pay workers. It gave 80 percent of tax breaks under the stimulus package to millionaires and allowed the wealthiest to get stimulus checks that average $1.7 million. The CARES Act also authorized $454 billion for the Treasury Department’s Exchange Stabilization Fund, a massive slush fund doled out by Trump cronies to corporations that, when leveraged 10 to 1, can be used to create a staggering $4.5 trillion in assets. The act authorized the Fed to give $1.5 trillion in loans to Wall Street, which no one expects will ever be paid back. American billionaires have gotten $434 billion richer since the pandemic. Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, whose corporation Amazon paid no federal taxes last year, alone added $34.6 billion to his personal wealth since the pandemic started.
How long can you expect people to watch their children go hungry? How long can you expect people to watch their loved ones suffer and die because they can’t get medical care? How long can you expect people to be abused by lawless police and a court system designed to railroad the poor into jails and prisons? How long can you watch the rich profit from your misery?
I would prefer that our revolution eschew the poison of violence, which I know too intimately from my two decades as a war correspondent. But I also know that when everything around you conspires to crush you, the only way left to affirm yourself is to destroy, not only the structures and institutions that have oppressed you, but often yourself. I saw this when I lived in the impoverished neighborhood of Roxbury in Boston and when I worked as a reporter in Gaza. This understanding was something Malcom X, who came out of poverty, always understood and Martin Luther King, a product of the black bourgeoisie, learned later.
It is ultimately the ruling elites who will determine the mechanics of resistance. When they close every escape route, when they speak exclusively in the language of force, then the language of force becomes the only form of communication. Trump’s demand that states use the National Guard to crush the protests and threat to deploy the U.S. military in the streets of American cities only heightens the anger and frustration that led to the uprisings.
The ruling elites are, at the same time, desperately seeking scapegoats. The idea that Antifa, which on the spectrum of terrorist groups would rank alongside the Boy Scouts, is behind these clashes is as ridiculous as the idea that Russia is responsible for the election of Trump. This desperate search for explanations that absolve the ruling elites saw Susan Rice, who was Obama’s national-security adviser, blame the violence on “foreign actors,” adding that “this is right out of the Russian playbook.” This trope is always trotted by despotic rulers to discredit dissidents who are branded as the enemy of the people.
The longer the ruling elites refuse to address the root causes behind these protests, the more they loot the treasury to enrich themselves and their fellow oligarchs, the more they engage in futile and absurd efforts to deflect blame, the more unrest will spread. The last desperate resort by the oligarchs to save themselves will be to stoke the fires of racialized violence between disenfranchised whites and disenfranchised people of color. This, I fear, is the next chapter in this saga. I saw this tactic used to deadly effect in the former Yugoslavia. These are dark times. They are about to get darker.
Labels: Chris Hedges, Lisa Murkowski, revolution, transformational change
"Will Trump dare go on the attack against Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R)..."
Why? Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R) ALWAYS talks a much different line than she ends up acting. This isn't a question worthy of consideration.
And - it polling is accurate, President Hillary Rodham Clinton would now be in the White House.
"The neo-slavery in our prisons is the corporate model envisioned for all of America.
Remember how all the slaves cried until they were "allowed" to return to work rather than take action to reclaim their power from the corporate pirates?
"How long can you expect people to watch their children go hungry?"
Until they or their children die. They won't do anything about their economic oppression but allow the wealthy to take even more.
"The longer the ruling elites refuse to address the root causes behind these protests...the more unrest will spread."
That is just fine with Trump and his Nazi allies Senator Cotton and Rep. Gaetz. There are likly many more who would answer the call of the American Freikorps to rise to the defense of the wealthy and kill their fellow citizens with impunity.
Well, finally, after over 40 years of this... someone finally yanked his head out of his ass -- kinda -- part way.
"Earlier this week, Chris Hedges noted that "The ruling elites no longer have legitimacy. They have destroyed our capitalist democracy and replaced it with a mafia state."
The ruling elites did this in 1980, but the leading Capo was so affable nobody gave a shit.
They continued it through the '90s, but we got so caught up kvetching about an oval office BJ that nobody gave a shit. (the result of that was the 2008 housing crash that took $10s of trillions from the futures of millions of citizens not yet born).
It took shots of steroids from cheney's sock puppet (more tax cuts for the rich) but changed from a mafia state to a Nazi state when cheney (and his PNAC cabal who were now ensconced in govt.) executed their plan and invaded Iraq for oil (after trying for a year to cajole American idiots with anthrax and lies about yellowcake and AL tubes) in response to attacks by Saudis ordered by a guy living in Pakistan.
We elected a charming poser who promised hopey changey... and got less than nothing for it. so we re-elected it.
Which led to trump. The democraps' (via obamanation) response to turning their fascist Valhalla into a Nazi reich? joey fucking biden.
I'm thinking putin flushed his half-billion unnecessarily. We americans are perfectly capable and well-practiced at screwing our own pooch.
The ruling elites didn't steal any of this. We keep electing them.
Maybe the problem lies with 'we the people' instead of the ruling elites... ya think?
As far as I,m aware, there was only one vote against the CARES act (that being AOC). Pelosi called it amazing political Ju-Jitsu to get the UEmployment benefits included, yet she could have stopped it, forcing the Repubs to strip the corporate trillion out, but she's a Ninja-Republican-Turtle at heart and protected by a $corporate shell$. Only one person in our representative (?) Congress. The Trillion-Dollar baby template was set in place by the 2008 Glass-Steagle crisis, where it was decree'd that we are now a Corporate GO-Fund-Me Nation.
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