Monday, June 15, 2020

Forty Percent of Police Families Experience Domestic Violence, Compared to 10% in the General Population


Police protecting the down-trodden from violence

by Thomas Neuburger

"If there's any job that domestic abuse should disqualify a person from holding, it's the one job that gives you a lethal weapon, trains you to stalk people without their noticing, and relies on your judgment and discretion to protect the abused from abusers."
—Conor Friedersdorf here, slightly paraphrased

Protecting the abused from abusers is an important role in any society — or at least a sane society. It's the role, in fact, of government itself, especially in an exploitive economic system like our own.

Capturing the organs of protection by the abusers themselves is therefore a high priority of the abusing class. This is why Reagan staffed his administration with people who hate the protective role government played, why he put anti-environmentalist James Watt in charge of Interior and the National Parks, and anti-regulationist Ann Gorsuch Burford in charge of the EPA. (Yes, she's related to that other Gorsuch.)

And apparently why we put cops, domestic abusers at a very high rate, in charge of protecting victims of abuse.

Cops being in charge of abuse — delivering it — is a commonplace these days. Putting cops in charge of protecting people from abuse is like putting pedophiles in charge of public safety at a grade school, or pedophile priests in charge of youth ministry (we had one of those in a parish I once lived in).

Pedophiles love those jobs, just as cops love the jobs they've been given. How better to commit violence than to be the only sanctioned dealers of state violence, to be licensed to kill in the name of "protecting" the abused? You even get to parade around as "heroes" for doing it.

Conor Friedorsdorf, in an Atlantic article entitled "Police Have a Much Bigger Domestic-Abuse Problem Than the NFL Does," quotes a heavily footnoted National Center for Women and Policing fact sheet: "Two studies have found that at least 40 percent of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10 percent of families in the general population. A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24 percent, indicating that domestic violence is two to four times more common among police families than American families in general [emphasis added]." Friedersdorf's piece is well worth reading in full.

I have anecdotal evidence of this connection. Some years ago a friend of mine was a psychiatric counselor specializing in troubled families. The bulk of her clients were cop families, where the cop was the abuser. She attributes the problem to the pathological (my word) need for control by the cop — reinforced, no doubt, by a job in which "gaining and keeping control" was both an absolute requirement of every cop-involved situation, and by supervisors who encouraged or allowed the worse abuses of that requirement.

We don't hire pedophiles to guard grade school kids. Why do we hire violent cops to keep the peace? Is there something in us that's perpetuating this?

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At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cops live to abuse people. That is why there is so much video of cops going after protesters and very little of them going after looters. Protesters don't fight back nearly as much.

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We don't hire pedophiles to guard grade school kids. Why do we hire violent cops to keep the peace? Is there something in us that's perpetuating this?"

in cat'lick schools and churches, we let pedophiles have broad influence over grade school kids.

yes, there *IS* something in us that perpetuates all this... it's called STUPIDITY!

we're too stupid to elect useful leaders. and we're too stupid to stop perpetuating evil all throughout society.

At 7:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The job of being a police officer is going to weed out a lot of compassionate people probably even in the best of times. The bad name the job has earned as police abuse gains attention further pushes the job out as an option for those with a healthy respect for their communities. A generation of 'law and order' politics that tells us how bad things are, even as violent crime has declined, further engrains this 'us vs. them' mentality. It probably isn't the healthiest of minds that seeks employment where society tells us there is overwhelming danger. The unhealthy minds that flourish in our current policing environment then pollute the minds of those that follow, as well as the selection process that brings new police into the fold.

Politician is another job that has degraded in the quality of people it attracts. You have to be grifter at heart or at least a high quality sales person to succeed in politics these days. (Though it has always been that way, we are in hyperdrive in our current environment.) I have known some decent successful sales people, but even they trended towards venality compared to others not in sales. It is hard to advance policies, especially economic ones, that help everyone when your first impulse is to improve your own situation before all else.


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