Friday, April 03, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Trump is in so far over his head but it's us who are drowning.

Never forget who voted to keep him in power.

Never forget who voted to put him there.

Never forget who did nothing about it.

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At 4:41 AM, Blogger CNYOrange said...

Welp, it seems his approval has actually gone UP, so there's that. The stupidity of the American public can NOT be overestimated.

At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never forget how terrible YOUR side had to become in order to create the conditions where this pos COULD be elected.

but, really, can admonishing an electorate this colossally stupid be productive?

Like reminding your potted ficus to remember how its old pot was too small?

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Ragnar of Maine said...

8:39- Please tell us what you have personally done to offset the conditions to which you refer. I'm sure all of us readers would love to hear what contributions you have made to better our political world. I'm sure we would appreciate you more if you provided some personal context in the form of either professional or volunteer work experience that might at least in your mind justify the obnoxious ego and self absorption reflected in so many, but not all, of your comments.

At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about you demonstrate your, 9:29. I bet you have done absolutely nothing, yet you criticize someone else?

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Richard Langly said...

Thank you Ragnar, for saying what I dare say most of us feel. I don't like to speak for others but others have spoken up and expressed similar feelings so I will, but it's pointless. He's very Trump like. To his blown up ego, only what he says matters and only he matters. It's to the point where, as others have commented for ages, he actually thinks he's the first to say what he says and no one else could possibly be as smart as he is and have similar thoughts. His superiority complex is the only thing remarkable about him unless you count his capacity for whining. That's how far others do not matter to him. He does a lot of his commenting just to be noticed, as proven by the fact that he always checks back to see if anyone did notice his "great" comments, and comment again. It's pretty sad that he spends all day glued to his computer and passing judgement on others as if he's some perfect stable genius and spending his day commenting on what others have to say. It appears that Down With Tyranny takes up his whole day. The oddest thing is that sometimes he is coherent but more often he just lashes out and, half the time he doesn't even seem to have read the post or have a normal amount of reading comprehension. All of his crying out makes him an ideal case for study. I'm surprised he's not proud of that. Maybe he is. And, notice that his response to you was only a deflection. That's also very Trumpian.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

!0:09, Raganr doesn't need to demonstrate anything since he is not the one who is always presenting himself as some sort of an all powerful and judgmental know it all. I thought he was being kind.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not my response dickhead. you fail to realize that I'm not alone.

Ragnar, you first oh exalted DWT hall monitor!

Did either of you single-issue sheepdogs ever wonder why I keep doing this? Could it be because DWT has a nearly pure lineup of other sheepdogs with their own monochromatism?

I agree with William Shirer. When a population of sheep are constantly told this or that, they'll eventually believe it, even if it is nonsense. You guys are the torches in the front of the mob that cannot see that the democrap party is an equal part of their problem. I try to open your eyes.

The most evangelical among the proles who believe "any blue must do" cannot have their eyes pried open. But I don't need to remind you of that, do I?

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Democraps, Once again you have proven Langly's points about you checking back to see if anyone's noticed you. You've also proved his point about your lack of reading comprehension ability for what you say about the DWT writers. You want them to be what you say they are but you have no idea. I will add that you are never alone with a schizophrenic. Take your meds or get some for the first time.

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Ida Jurie said...

And the clown who sees himself as the hall monitor of the DWT comment section calls Ragnar of Maine the "exalted DWT hall monitor" as a putdown. Brilliant!

At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Ida Jurie. We certainly wish you were brilliant. You might be redeemable in that instance.

Now line up to be sheared


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