Monday, December 30, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

So much winning! You da man, Donnie! Now, go treat yourself to a grocery bag of fast food double cheese burgers. Choke 'em down, Donnie! Choke 'em down!

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At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We forget how long it took for the threat of impeachment to develop against Nixon. His coverup almost worked, didn't it.

Trump should never have been elected. And he should have been impeached within a month just on Russia and emoluments. Given that Pelosi was named speaker last January, and Pelosi's history of refusal to impeach anyone for anything (when impeachment SHOULD have happened), it's a goddamn miracle he EVER got impeached.

If you are old enough to remember JFK, you should be pondering just how far we must have fallen to get to the point where:
1) cheney could do all he did and yet the democraps refused to impeach
2) ditto for AG gonzalez, remember him? remember what he did?
3) $hillbillary, the whore of wall street, could "win" the democrap nom; Donna Brazille could admit in a book that she and the DNC rigged it for her, and nobody marched to the DNC HQ to demand justice.
4) trump could win.
5) trump could not be impeached for almost 3 years including 10 months after the democraps won the house.
6) the Nazis in the senate can vow to ignore impeachment and declare trump innocent.

and, in another year, 7) trump wins re-election.

And I didn't even mention a democrap president who refused to prosecute even one banker for $21 trillion in fraud nor a single person who ordered or conducted torture and who killed thousands, mostly innocents, with drones and missiles... with no declaration of war.

If you remember JFK, you should be flummoxed at how we even COULD fall this far.

At 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

election fraud and voter suppression as official policy. I forgot that one. If we marched for something it should have been that one. But we didn't do anything at all. certainly democraps did nothing at all.

At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political movements require the means to communicate to organize action.

One of the goals set forth in the Powell Memo was to put all such means of communication under the control of for-profit entities, and give those entities control over what information can be distributed. It is no accident that Facebook is so aggressive against populist commentary while allowing fascists to rant endlessly without cease.

Only those movements which support corporate goals will have unfettered communications. The rest of us will have to find other means of doing so.

And this is but the first problem to address before any meaningful and productive action can be taken to reverse the excesses performed at our expense.

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew Johnson April 15 1865 to Feb 24 1868 = 1045 days or so, if I'm doing the math right. Oops, I forgot leap years. Anyway, T's still first.

At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually someone (Shawn Lucas) did march to the DNC HQ to serve a subpoena for a lawsuit against the DNC & DW-Shultz, for fixing the primary process against Bernie. One month later he was found dead in his shower

read his GF account of that day

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1868 was a Leap Year. Leap Year Day would have been Feb 29, 1868.


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