Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

President Trump, the best friend our adversaries has ever had, has now formally announced our withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate change. And, why wouldn't he? It doesn't just hurt us physically; it hurts us economically, and I don't mean just the drowning cities along our coastline. It will also continue to set us back when it comes to preparing for the effects of climate change, whether it's the desertification of our farmlands that could finish the job that his tariff impositions have begun or the stalling of renewable energy development. Yes, everything Trump does is designed to hurt the country in whole and in part, from the land, to our future industry and economy, to our individual people. It's all the mark of a true psychopath who despises the world he lives in. There has never been a comic book villain more dangerous than the category 8 madman at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There has never been a comic book villain more dangerous than the category 8 madman at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."

And there is no squad of Avengers to deal with his excesses. All we have are milquetoast Democrats afraid of their own shadows.


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