Saturday, September 07, 2019

Midnight Meme of the Day!


by Noah

Trump's mental collapse is here. I'm wondering how much longer the White House thinks they can cover up the on-going mental disintegration of dear leader. That's rhetorical of course since they think they can keep this up forever and they think the must if they are to continue to rob us blind and put their full white supremacy agenda in place. Trump has always had serious issues but it's obviously getting worse and getting worse rapidly. If it wasn't obvious to most of us during the 2016 campaign, it should have been obvious when Trump threw a fit over the size of the crowd at his inauguration. This sharpie on the outdated hurricane map thing is only the latest incident. He's living in an altered state of reality, and dragging us all along for the deep pothole filled ride.

Even at least a couple of the people around Trump must cringe a bit when he goes out to get to the copter and stops to talk to the press, or maybe they don't, in which case they are being disloyal to the country by not just wrestling him in a straitjacket and dragging him back inside. It seems to me that it's approaching the critical mass time when Trump doesn't make any more public appearances (except maybe his rallies where his insanity is not only expected but celebrated) or unless he commands the cameras into the oval office like he did with his shamelessly insane altered hurricane map display. This is a case of altered states of reality indeed. He'd already cancelled the trip to Poland to play golf and his actions at the G7 and enthusiastic embrace of fellow crackpot Boris Johnson were maybe even worse than previous similar events, including his anti-American Helsinki ass licking of Putin for the world to see. This manic defense of his Alabama hurricane thing which he keeps circling back to on a daily basis started just a few days after suggesting that we nuke hurricanes. I dearly hope that someone is hiding the nuclear codes, although I have no doubt that he thinks at this point he can just tweet the command to nuke anything. Then, he'll convince himself that it's happening by just whipping out his sharpies and drawing pictures of bombs going off and blowing up the world to his heart's content. I bet he stuffs the sharpies up his nostrils and inhales too.

I know his treasonous and corrupt cabinet won't invoke the 25th amendment but are we about to see a period where Trump stays indoors and his handlers just shoot him up with some drug to make him seem lucid enough for a long enough period of time to speak to the country or greet a foreign leader? Are they already doing that and is what we are seeing the miserable best they can do? That's how it looks to me. What we get already is nonsensical at best. How long before he can't even manage that and it just comes out as speaking in tongues, which of course, his followers will lap up and cheer as the word of their racist messiah of their own (and ours) destruction.

Perhaps most importantly, will Trump make it to the date of the Republican Convention? I've been thinking more and more that there have to be or at least should be people behind the scenes other than the White House Goon Squad and our irresponsible House and Senate that have come to the realization that Trump has gone too dysfunctionally insane to be on the 2020 ticket. Maybe they are in denial, as much denial as the general public who don't seem to see Trump's mental disintegration for what it is. My wishful thinking is that somebody see this for what it is before it's too late (as if it isn't already). The wishful thinking of others is that what they are seeing isn't there or, if it is, no one dare speak its name.

Update, This just in: The White House has just released a revised tally of the 2016 election results:

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At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump's mental state doesn't matter at all to those who have benefitted from his presidency. As long as he remains suggestable and has a horde of mindless followers to lend weight to his crimes, he will be allowed to remain in the Oval Office. After all, Nancy and Chuckie Schmucky know a lucrative opportunity when the see one!

At 5:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Thanks for that picture. I knew all along it was the biggest crowd ever.

At 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's from Alabama. Does that still count?

At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool. now do biden being the "most progressive" democrap candidate.

and these people actually get other people to vote for them!

can any other conclusion than "we're stupid" be possible?

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