Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

We don't live in a sane world. That much is clear every time we see Trump on TV and no one is dragging him off in chains. Such is the human condition. But, in a sane world, Trump would not exist, not just as President Of The United States but as anything at all.

Also, in a sane world, no media outlet would call William Barr the Attorney General of the United States. Instead, and I highly recommend this, every one would stop lying and call Trump's Attorney General what he really is: Trump's Consigliere. He is Godfather Trump's Tom Hagen, or, if you must, Roy Cohn; maybe a combination of both.

Now, next time you hear the words "Justice Department," a department that has always been misnamed, ask yourself why, with all of the lawyers employed there, not one has the patriotism to come forward as a whistleblower.

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At 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...why, with all of the lawyers employed there, not one has the patriotism to come forward as a whistleblower."

Because whistle blowers end up in very bad straits while those exposed for wrongdoing continue with their crimes unimpeded.

The laws regarding whistle blowers are a sick joke, for they protect the guilty and afflict the innocent and honorable. These laws function as a honey pot, attracting those gullible to think that the power elite in this nation actually care about the rule of law, when in reality they just want to expose those who would do something to end crimes against the nation.

The lawyers at the Department of Just Us know this better than anyone, for they have put many a whistle blower behind bars or forced them to take drastic steps to avoid persecution. They are even perfectly willing to apply treason laws to non-citizens who owe the US of A no allegiance. These "lawyers" are hardly going to put that particular noose around their own necks, are they?

The rule of law is dead. The world is rapidly becoming the domain of war lords and Might Makes Right.


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