Sunday, August 04, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Sunday Thoughts:

It figures that the kind of "Christianity" most Republicans are into requires a billionaire pastor and a "church" the size of the Roman Colosseum. The colosseum part is even more apt when you consider that Republican Christianity is a thumbs up/thumbs down affair. Up if you're white and preferably rich. Down if you're anything else.

As for Mike Pence, just look at this smug, hypocritical stiff. He's prime Republican Christianity stuff. Go ahead. Take a good look. Do you actually think Pence was even born with a soul? I don't. I can't image Pence as a child, at least not a normal one. Mike Pence is a soulless alien. He's Children Of The Corn or Village Of The Damned material. Combine those two movies with "The Omen" and you can use the photo in tonight's meme for the theater lobby poster. Look at those eyes. There's not much there there, just cold, cold soulless, sociopathic "I don't give a shit" evil. In short, he's what Republicans call leadership material; right into hell.

OK. I'll lighten up. Maybe he's just the next Freddy Krueger.

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At 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christianity has always been about hate, torture, war and genocide. pence is nothing special in that context.

If you expect Christians to be Christ-like, you are a fool and know nothing of the past 2000 years of human history.

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Old Testament GAWD of Mike Pence advocated genocide and mass murder, not to mention slavery. Why wouldn't Mike agree and follow?


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