Saturday, August 24, 2019

Glad To See Conservatives Frackenlooper And Moulton Gone From The 2020 Race


Two of the worst 2020 candidate bit the dust: Moulton and Frackenlooper

As we saw last week, Seth Moulton's polling numbers are so low-- nationally, in Iowa and even in New Hampshire, which borders on his congressional district and shares media with it!-- that he was buried at the bottom of the 2020 barrel. No debates, no events, no interest, no nuthin'! All Moulton wants is to be Biden's Secretary of State or Defense Secretary. When he dropped out of the race yesterday it barely caused a stir in the news cycle. It wasn't even a blip.

So he dropped out with his head up Biden's ass: "I think it’s evident that this is now a three-way race between Biden, Warren and Sanders, and really it’s a debate about how far left the party should go," he told the New York Times. He announced he will run for reelection for the House.

He added that "I’m not going to endorse anyone right away, but the vice president is a mentor and a friend and I think he’d make a great president. Anybody in this race will be better than Donald Trump and I will enthusiastically support whoever the nominee is." But Moulton is somewhat reactionary and a member of the Wall Street-owned and operated New Dem caucus, so, of course, a Biden supporter. Funny how the whole Republican wing of the Democratic Party in Congress prefers Biden. Moulton has no following and virtually no admirers outside of his immediate circle of cronies. Perfect for Status Quo Joe.

This is how the ProgressivePunch rates the Massachusetts House delegation, by lifetime crucial vote score. Note who's at the very bottom. The number in parenthesis is the district's PVI):
Ayanna Pressley (MA-07)- A 100% (D+34)
Katherine Clark (MA-05)- A 97.03% (D+18)
Jim McGovern (MA-02)- A 96.71% (D+9)
Lori Trahan (MA-03)- A 95.35% (D+9)
Joe Kennedy (MA-04)- B 90.75% (D+9)
Richard Neal (MA-01)- C 85.96% (D+12)
Bill Keating (MA-09)- D 80.52% (D+4)
Stephen Lynch (MA-08)- F 77.98% (D+10)
Seth Moulton (MA-06)- F 73.51 (D+6)

The Boston Globe summed his race up nicely the day before he finally dropped out: Politics is all about timing and it isn't Seth Moulton's time. For the sake of the Republic, hopefully it will never be Seth Moulton's time. Nor is it Frackenlooper's time. He polled better than Moulton, but never got to 1% either. It was good to see him go... except for one thing. He's now running for the very winnable Colorado Senate seat-- and he's been dubbed the "front runner" already.

Blue America has endorsed the progressive in the race: Andrew Romanoff. His response to Frackenlooper's announcement to leave the presidential race and try to get into the Senate as a consolation prize was classy:
We deserve-- and I pledge to run-- a campaign grounded in public policy. I know and respect both Cory Gardner and John Hickenlooper, but I disagree with them on some fundamental issues.

Goal ThermometerAs Colorado’s next senator, I’ll lead the fight for a Green New Deal. They’re leading the fight against it.

I’ll champion Medicare for All. They’ve vowed to defeat it.

Cory and John have attacked these progressive priorities as socialist or Stalinist. That’s outrageous. Would they say the same of Social Security or Medicare itself?

Democrats must decide whether we want to combat the climate crisis and end our reliance on fossil fuel—or allow polluters to bankroll Congress and block reform. Whether we’ll ensure health care for all—or condemn half a million Americans to bankruptcy each year and thousands to an early grave. Whether we’ll build an economy that works for everyone—or force families to work even harder for less.

Those are the stakes in this election. They couldn’t be higher, and we can’t afford to cower now.

The best way to defeat Cory Gardner is to present a clear alternative. Echoing his talking points will achieve nothing and inspire no one.

This is no time to surrender our dreams. Let’s go fight for the world we imagine.
And meanwhile... Trumpanzee's #1 enabler in Washington just got a taste of his own foul medicine from his Democratic electoral opponent in Kentucky, Amy McGrath in the form of a super-powerful one minute TV ad. Believe me, this is very much worth watching:

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At 5:42 AM, Anonymous Hone said...

It has very recently become glaring that the need to combat climate change is the most important issue of all time. Biden will NOT do what is necessary, which is a full monte of intervention. Bernie sounds better and better. Three trillion in investment! Like what it took to prepare for WWII. Roosevelt saw what was coming and prepared. Bernie would do the same. A Bernie-Warren ticket is what is necessary. There are no ands, ifs or buts about it.

My friend the Biden supporter said that Biden would get good people to deal with it. Yeah, right. Like Moulton. Half assed Dems who would "work with the Republicans" and balance the needs of the financial, investment, oil and gas industries with what must be done - ain't possible. Won't work.

At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hone, you're sneaking up on that epiphany. Keep going.

Saith Romanoff: "As Colorado’s next senator, I’ll lead the fight for a Green New Deal (and MFA)."

No sir, you shall not. Should the democraps gain a senate majority, you and the rest shall hand your nads to scummer who will unilaterally refuse to address these things in EXACTLY the same way that the house democrap tyrant, Pelosi, refuses to address them in the house.

And it won't matter who is in the white house. As long as health insurance, phrma and carbon corporations are willing to pay a couple billion to the democrap tyrants, there will never be GND nor MFA nor any other progressive lege voted on.

Or have we all forgotten 2009 (60 in the senate, +80 in the house, obamanation in the white man's house) already? Of course we have.

At 7:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corporatism is in the process of destroying the Amazonian rain forest. My concern is that the Trump misadministration will allow similar eco-crimes in the US.

In far too many communities, huge corporations have taken ownership of public water supplies so that they can put it in plastic bottles and sell it back to us for ridiculous markups. Will it take a similar thing being done to breathable air before enough people notice what is being done to them?

Sadly, I doubt that even then will most people have the slightest clue.

At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it simply just beyond the capability of the democraps guy to make a comment without insulting his fellow commenters? That first sentence disparaging Hone is uncalled for.

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was encouragement for Hone. Hone is one of the group that George Will once condemned as having "sweet liberal compassion that compels you to try to right every wrong" (paraphrased a little). Fine quality IMO.

However, Hone suffers a very typical, Stockholm-Syndrome type affliction -- democrap party devotion.

But based on the increasing disgust in writings, I feel the epiphany is nigh. I'm just trying to be encouraging.

If anything is to ever get better, we'll need the likes of Hone to be a big part of it. But the democrap party will NEVER be any part of it.


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