Sunday, July 28, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Sunday Thoughts:

Imagine Jesus walking into one of Trump's now patented lynch mob rallies carrying a banner that said any of the three things the Jesus in tonight's meme is saying. Imagine the dark category 10 storm of ugliness: "Lock Him Up!" "Stone Him!" "Send Him Back To Wherever He Came From!" "Love It Or Leave It!" He looks like an Arab!" "Cut Him Up Like Khashoggi!" "Kill Him!" "Crucify HIm!!!" "Who's Got A Spear?!!?"

If Jesus actually did come back and arrived on our shores one day, it's not hard to imagine how much today's republicans would despise everything about him. They make that viciously clear every day. Just watch their actions of Congress, tune into the FOX "News" white supremacists, or listen to any Republican speak for more than a minute and the truth of their hate and hypocrisy always becomes abundantly clear. It wouldn't surprise me if it's a long lost Republican that came up with the story that Jesus never really existed at all since the very idea of the classical Jesus, as opposed to the church and the religion that so poorly uses his name, is an anathema to being what a republican is really all about. That's how much they hate even the very idea of Jesus. "Feed the poor?" "Welcome the stranger?" "Love thy neighbor?" Feeding the multitudes with free loaves and fishes? That's socialism! A Republican subscribing to that? Surely you jest! Plus, if Jesus was real, and not the Republican Jesus, he'd be a brownish-hued guy, so there is that, too! Love they neighbor, my ass. Today's Republicans have quite a bill of particulars for that one: Love the neighbor unless thy neighbor is gay, non-white, trans, old, poor, or not a "Christian." Oh, and Jesus "dresses funny" and doesn't speak 'Murican.

If Jesus was foolish enough to return as is claimed that he one day will, Republicans, at the behest of their high living billionaire pastors, would fight each other to be the first to toss him and his whole family in cages, separate cages, of course. "Here's a frozen loaf of Wonderbread, Mr. Christ! Let's see what you can do with that, Christ-Boy. Try changing that water in the toilet to wine, Christ-Boy!" Imagine the Facebook pages the concentration camp guards would devote to what they'd love to do to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It doesn't take any effort at all.

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At 6:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can a fictitious character in a serial novella reappear?

all you Christian hypocrites are safe to continue. he ain't coming to smite you down for your evil. he doesn't exist. so... carry on.

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If 'jesus' came back, he'd be a Palestinian jew who would look a lot like a muslim terrorist. He would not be allowed to enter this shithole. If he snuck in, ICE would grab him and throw him into a concentration camp or even g'itmo. if he made it into a southern Baptist church and went all batshit over their hatred and 'money changing', the white SWAT team would be called and would shoot him a couple hundred times.
And not one single 'christian' would listen to anything he said... cuz he'd look like a muslim terrorist... not to mention he might preach love, peace, pacifism, generosity and so on... and them Christians don't 'do' that shit.

At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would Yeshua the Nazarene ever show up in the United $tate$? He'd be out in front of American-made weaponry in Israel working for Palestinian rights.


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