Saturday, June 15, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Yesterday was Flag Day. Very few of us have put ourselves in a position where we feel that we need to hug a flag in front of an audience to demonstrate our love of where we live. It's generally unquestioned that most of us are, at the least, pro-America, even if our opinions on various things may differ. For obvious reasons, that is far, far, far from the case with the current occupant of the White House. In fact, when it comes to Trump, there is simply no honest way to make the case that he is patriotic in any way, shape, or form. From his demonstrated hate for health care, to his treatment of our lakes, rivers, and air, to his tax scam, to his bigotry, misogyny, and rampant homophobia, to his increase of preferential treatment for multinational corporations that share his contempt for Americans, to his fake bone spurs, to his encouragement of white supremacy groups, to his oft-stated desire to end Social Security, to his treatment of American farmers and factory workers such as those at Indiana's Carrier plant, to his costly tariffs (really an additional tax) which drain cash out of the pockets of us all every day, there is nothing that this man does that isn't designed to hurt as many Americans as he possibly can.

One or two of the things I mentioned could, possibly, be seen as an error in judgement but all of the examples I mentioned together, and more that I didn't, can only be seen as adding up to a deliberate plan of a very sick mind that just has it in for everything and everyone that lives and breathes in this country. No event illustrated that better than his recent interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos where Trump expressed his desire for help from our sociopathic adversaries in order to be reelected to continue doing what he has been doing to us all, and his desire to finish the job of completely selling out America to those foreign adversaries in order to achieve his goals. We all know that there have been problems with our imperfect electoral system but a pro-American president would want to at least make attempts at improvement, not destroy it once and for all to the advantage of the likes of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, and Xi Jinping. It's no mistake that Trump embraces homicidal maniacs and speaks so glowingly of them. He idolizes them and he makes that obvious with his worshipful tone when he talks about them, right down to his public conversations with them (such as Helsinki) and the "beautiful letters" he gets from them.

But Trump, the proud asset of our enemies, is not alone. He's not alone in dismissing what that flag he pretends to love stands for. It's not just a prop. Sure, 99.9 % of all Republicans will shield him from the enforcement of the laws of the land. They will do so to the death. Try naming one Republican in the Senate who wouldn't, if only because of the flow of rubles into their pockets. Do you really think that McConnell is the only one on the Russian payroll? Just check the list of those who took laundered Russian money from the NRA. They have a vested interest in Trump not going down for his un-American treachery because they would go down with him. That's their excuse, treasonous as it is, which leads to the question: What excuse do Democrats have for not obeying the same oath of office to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic that that Trump and every Republican Senator and Congressperson took? Apparently, those Democrats who stand idly by while foreign agents, both abroad and in the Kremlin West at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue dismantle what's left of our alleged democracy, will follow Trump's lead and become so brazen about their contempt for the rule of law that we can expect that they, like Trump did, will speak their contempt for America right out loud on national TV. They laugh at or at least have forgotten what that flag stands for just as they laugh at those who died for it. Was it all, in their tiny minds, just so they could sit in their offices dialing for dollars from the aforementioned multinationals and their banks all day, taking breaks only for lunch or dinner where they get their checks from the K Street Bribery Squads?

Impeach. Convict. Imprison.

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At 4:52 AM, Anonymous Hone said...

Impeach the motherf..ker!! It is the only obvious course of action, slam dunk. Nancy - what the hell is wrong with you? Why should Nancy and McConnell hold so much power? Is Mitch the emperor of the Senate? I don't think that is in the Constitution - that one man could stop all votes, hundreds of votes, at his whim. That does not sound uh Democratic! Is it a law that Nancy is the iron clad ruler of the Dems whom all must bow to and obey? Just tradition, huh? Maybe Nadler and his committee should flip her the bird and start impeachment proceedings. Enough already!

At 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a Parliamentary nation, the No Confidence vote would be happening very regularly if said nation were this poor excuse for a democraptic republic.

At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes... but Hone, you were all in on electing democraps so the house could endorse Pelosi for speaker.

How many times did I try to remind you all what a disaster she was as house despot the last time?

yet no epiphany?

What was it Einstein said about insanity again??

At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:18, Maybe it's time you had your own epiphany about what a pompous condescending blowhard you are.


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