Thursday, June 13, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

"Hi, I'm Lindsey Graham. I'm not just complicit. I'm an accessory to treason! No, not a mere accessory. Let me be clear! I'm fully in Trump's world, now. I'm all in with the treason thing!"

What does Lindsey Graham eat for lunch, now? Probably caviar and borscht, with a side of Burger King Whoppers and "Freedom Fries." Choke on it, Lindsey.

Well there you have it. Lindsey Graham loves Donald Trump because Trump has let Lindsey Graham into his world, his magnificent bigly world of racism, misogyny, homophobia, religious bigotry, maximum sleaze business practices, and continued treasonous behavior. I guess Graham wants some of that Russian help for his reelection, too. No. Actually, I don't guess. It's obvious. For Graham, it's "Treason for me, too! I want to be in your world, Donnie. Count me in! Have your friends call me!"

Someday, we may even find out how many oligarch rubles Graham ends up with in his bank accounts. If this was 1943, and Graham and Trump were working with Germany like those in Trump World work with Russia now, both Trump and Graham (McConnell, too) would be likely sharing a cell on death row already.

Should we be surprised that South Carolina voted for both of these traitors? Nope. They still fly the flag of the Confederacy down there. South Carolina has never truly made peace with the United States of America. When Graham and Trump get done, they'll be eagerly saluting not just the Confederate flag but the Russian flag too.

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At 4:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Lindsey could only have found the "right girl"....

At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

his john died. he had nobody. now he has his sugar daddy. I wonder why he and mcturtle haven't hooked up... or maybe they have and herr Donald is making it a mushroom triangle.

to be clear, this represents nothing new for graham. he's always been in favor of all manner of crimes and treason as long as it is committed by someone on his team.

When the swastika armbands are mandated, he will be the first to wear them. When the gays are rounded up, he'll be commanding that detail.

cluster fuck of a shithole swirling the bowl.

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had to eat by himself in high school? Where I went, the jocks would have stolen his lunch and eaten it right in front of him, laughing all the time and shoving the wrappers in his face.

At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was no chess team at my high school, sweet 9:31. The school's only real purpose was to turn out annual classes of classless bullies who voted Republican. Chess was too literate for the student body.


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