Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Trump, a man so dumb and mentally dysfunctional that he loses debates with dead people.

Now if only McCain's hand would reach up, grab Trump by the throat, and pull him down into the ground.

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At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many times to we have to beat the "Trump is Dumb" dead horse? As much as I agree with the sentiment, what has it accomplished? Trump remains in power, and after the democraps doubled down on the Mueller Report which gave them nothing, he's more immune from their influence than ever. There is a realistic chance Trump will win next year since the democraps are more worried about fighting progressives.

So if anyone needs to be the subject of disparaging memes, it's the democraps.

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon at 7:58 am - don't you get tired of being such a dumbass? Love the meme - if only in my dreams!


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