Sunday, December 16, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

"Whatever mother wants, mother gets. I do it for Republican Jesus, too. Hand me those wires. It's Sunday. Just another quick shock before church."

I can't really muster any sympathy for the likes of Mike Pence. To quote that Indiana Jones movie, "He chose poorly." He reached for the wrong grail. Now, he looks all but dead, ready for the ground to open up and drop him down to Hell. He even looks pre-embalmed at this point. A case of be careful what you wish for?

Happy Sunday, folks!

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At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Hone said...

Pence's behavior (or lack thereof) during that meeting with Chuck, Nancy and the Orangeman was appalling and frightening. He was not there. A Ken doll that was not plugged in. A Saturday Night Live skit for real.

This country has really sunk to a new low. How low can we go? Definitely much lower while Trump and perhaps Pence are in office. A really lousy sci fi novel that the author would find extremely difficult to get published. Too stupid and pathetic, an unbelievably dumb plot. This is us.

Stay tuned for the next episode of this horrific reality show. So much happens each week that looking back, the news of a few days ago seems like a year ago.

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember that we have the 'pence face' and the trump shit show because the DNC refused to allow the will of the voters and made $hillbillary the nominee -- the ONLY person on earth who could lose an election to trump.

It's always useful to remember the cause of all of this.


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