Friday, November 02, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah
Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.
- Donald J. Trump, December 2015
3 middle-aged white male American terrorists. All in one week. Just. One. Week. Not a Muslim among them. Just. One. Week.

One middle-aged man sent pipe bombs to democrats, selecting a Jewish man as his first target. One middle-aged man targeted black people and killed 2 at a grocery store, for the crime of shopping while black. One middle-aged man storm trooped his way into a synagogue and killed 11 Jews as they worshiped.

Should we, to borrow a phrase Trump repeatedly used during his campaign, consider "a complete and total shutdown" of middle-aged white males "until our country's representatives can figure out figure out what is going on" or should we actually use what's left of our rational national mind to another solution?

Jihad comes in many forms, or should I say that Jihad is not exclusively limited to the targets of the speech Trump gave back in 2015. He might as well have been talking about his own supporters and his own political party. He could have just as well been talking about himself, something he does incessantly. His hatred is beyond all comprehension, unless you realize that he is a madman using it for his own gains.

As I write this, Trump is planning to head for Pittsburgh to display not his "sense of reason or respect for human life" but to display his disrespect for all lives but his own.

Trump is not a middle-aged madman. He's so much older than that, but, he is a madman. It was obvious in 2015 and it is more obvious now. Too many people kept silent about his madness, even as it was openly on display, night after night, on national TV. For those who didn't want to see his madness, we should have demanded and coerced something more than that note from his quack doctor. I used to watch Trump speak and wonder where's the guy with the long hook or the folks in the white suits with the net. I still wonder the same thing whenever I see him on TV.

The hatred comes from you Donald J. Trump. It comes from you and you know it. You foment it and you embolden your disciples with it as, even now, you follow the Mein Kampf playbook and double down on your targets. Your party loves you for it. They cheer you on with approval for everything you ask them for. We know "understand this problem" and "the dangerous threat it poses" for our country and the world. While McConnell follows you around on his knees and Ryan perfects his award-winning smirk, we watch in helpless frustration and disbelief and do nothing.

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At 5:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHY... do we sit helplessly and do nothing?

WHY do we not get up and start a true left movement to bury this minority of white hatemongering crackers numerically into an historical footnote forever?

Why, DWT? Your point. You need to explain.

At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no one to rally around, 5:51. Too many democraps are actually Repubicans hiding from their voting records. But Any Blew Will Do for some.


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