Sunday, October 28, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah
Part of the problem is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore.
-Selected Donald Trump quote from tonight's meme.
Different things disappoint different people. Civilized people are disappointed, no, horrified, at where our Manchurian President has led this country. The sickness that is Republicanism has come home to roost. Judging those at Trump's rallies, plus right wing pundits, talk radio jackasses, the silence of so-called Christian evangelicals, and the refusal Republican politicians to do anything but applaud him, it is safe to assume that what disappoints Republicans is that, regardless of who made the bombs, the bombs didn't go off.

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At 1:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know that Trump is scum. What are we supposed to DO about him when we can't trust the democraps to have our backs? There are plenty of stories of GOP efforts to weaken the highly touted Blue Wave right now. Where are the reports that the democraps are even doing anything about it? They are throwing us under the bus for their thirty pieces.

At 6:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 1932 the usa got lucky and elected FDR. He chose to lead rather than scapegoat; he inspired hope and community.

In 1932, hitler was lucky having been named chancellor by an addled and scared president. He chose scapegoating and hate.

Today, the Nazis have their guy and their media who inspires hate, scapegoats and incites violence, with very obvious results.

The rest of us have the democraps... who never, ever do shit to undo any of the evil that the Nazis do. We have no inspiration, no hope, no community. All we have is a visceral revulsion of the Nazis, their leaders, their networks.

But we still "NEED" to elect more of them?!?!?

I've already answered this, but, once more... to what end?

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Mary and Phil said...

That last sentence says it all. Absolutely.


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