Pelosi Has Begun Unveiling Her Strategy For A Democratic Majority-- Decidedly Not The Wish List Of The Grassroots Left
Bill Barrow and Juana Summers are making a mighty ambitious claim for the A.P., one that I only wish was accurate: "Democratic leaders are embracing the enthusiasm of their base." On what universe are Democratic leaders are embracing the enthusiasm of their base? Certainly not the universe where the DCCC recruits the shittiest batch of Blue Dogs, New Dems and "ex"-Republicans I've seen in a decade. Certainly not the universe where Chuck Schumer handpicks the worst Democratic the House, Kyrsten Sinema--literally the worst, not the second or third worse, the worst-- to be the Democrap candidate for the Senate. Certainly not the universe where Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer announce that if the Democrats take over the House they're going to institute PAY-GO, which will prevent anything the grassroots want to just not happen. None of this-- N.O.N.E.:
"Pelosi," they wrote, "has begun unveiling her strategy for a Democratic majority. And while it’s focused generally on helping working- and middle-class households, it’s decidedly not the wish list of the grassroots left." Exactly. Those tensions could come to a head if Pelosi struggles to be elected speaker. Even if she wins, it could be difficult for her to preside over a more liberal caucus." Except it will be a FAR more conservative caucus, thanks to the DCCC's recruiting this cycle. Why does A.P. have someone write a story like this who doesn't know anything at all about politics, not even who to ask? Isn't there a cat in a tree somewhere that they can write about?
Yes, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat establishment dipshit Joe Crowley and Ayanna Pressley beat someone who may be more progressive then she is, Mike Capuano. So what's the message there? Identity politics matter? Pelosi's been singing loud out of that psalter for years and years. "Outsider candidates," they wrote, "are taking on establishment-aligned Democratic incumbents in the final primaries of the season over the coming week in states such as Delaware and Rhode Island." OK, that's true-- but the Democratic Party isn't embracing them... they're doing everything they can to screw them on behalf of corrupt conservatives Tom Carper (DE), Gina Raimondo (RI), Dan McKee (RI), Andrew Cuomo (NY) and Letitia James. What are these two reporters talking about?
"Dozens of Democratic candidates," they wrote, 'for federal and state offices-- regardless of their positions on ICE, health care or impeachment-- have sworn off corporate campaign cash." That is such bullshit in so many cases. Corporate PACs aren't beating down their doors to contribute money to them so it's not hard to turn it down, is it? Let's see what happens when they're candidates. AND... how many of these campaigns are begging, pleading, whining, praying for the DCCC to spend millions dollars on their campaigns. Where do they think those millions of dollars come from? Ben Ray Lujan, Steny Hoyer, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz don't pull that cash out of their asses. They funnel Wall Street money, gas and oil money, real estate developer money, war industries money, private prison money, pay day lender money into the campaigns of their favorite candidates. Grow up and smell the grass. The Democratic Party is every bit as corrupt as the Republican Party when it comes to this stuff-- every bit.
"The overall trend has been a wakeup call on Capitol Hill and thrilled leaders of the anti-Trump resistance and the grassroots left." A wakeup call? To wake up and fight progressives harder on behalf of their shitty corrupt conservative candidates like they did 2 weeks ago in Arizona where they helped putrid right-winger Ann Kirkpatrick beat a moderately progressive Matt Heinz? The Democratic Party is not embracing anyone who doesn't make it on their own. They're saving all their love for the worst garbage anyone can find-- the Jeff Van Drews of the election cycle. The DCCC even goes to candidates and tells them if they don't join the Blue Dogs or the New Dems, they won't get any DCCC support. (The week 2 candidates I had high hopes for MJ Hegar-- the one with the great video-- and Xochitl Torres Small-- the one with the great name-- both joined the Blue Dogs. If you're a DWT reader, you know what that means.)
"Pelosi," they wrote, "has begun unveiling her strategy for a Democratic majority. And while it’s focused generally on helping working- and middle-class households, it’s decidedly not the wish list of the grassroots left." Exactly. Those tensions could come to a head if Pelosi struggles to be elected speaker. Even if she wins, it could be difficult for her to preside over a more liberal caucus." Except it will be a FAR more conservative caucus, thanks to the DCCC's recruiting this cycle. Why does A.P. have someone write a story like this who doesn't know anything at all about politics, not even who to ask? Isn't there a cat in a tree somewhere that they can write about?
Yes, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat establishment dipshit Joe Crowley and Ayanna Pressley beat someone who may be more progressive then she is, Mike Capuano. So what's the message there? Identity politics matter? Pelosi's been singing loud out of that psalter for years and years. "Outsider candidates," they wrote, "are taking on establishment-aligned Democratic incumbents in the final primaries of the season over the coming week in states such as Delaware and Rhode Island." OK, that's true-- but the Democratic Party isn't embracing them... they're doing everything they can to screw them on behalf of corrupt conservatives Tom Carper (DE), Gina Raimondo (RI), Dan McKee (RI), Andrew Cuomo (NY) and Letitia James. What are these two reporters talking about?
Victories by candidates such as Pressley and Ocasio-Cortez have generated substantial grassroots energy. But they’ve also raised questions about whether the party will be able to compete in broad swaths of the country, a potential vulnerability Republicans are eager to exploit. There’s also debate over what a younger, more diverse class of lawmakers might mean for the fate of congressional leaders such as House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and potential 2020 presidential candidates who are older and white, including former Vice President Joe Biden.OK, there's a corrupt conservative running in Biden's home state and a progressive, Kerri Evelyn Harris. Biden-- the hackish old politician the corporate status quo ant Democratic establishment is hoping will stop Bernie and Elizabeth Warren-- endorsed Tom Carper and never even bothered meeting Harris. Flaming-- albeit corporate-- liberal Cory Booker also endorsed Carper, as did the Democratic Party, the AFL-CIO, Planned Parenthood, etc. Who endorsed Harris? Nina Turner, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Our Revolution, Justice Democrats, Working Families Party, People For Bernie Sanders, DFA, Democratic Socialists of Delaware... Yet... these two journalists wrote about the "Democrats’ leftward lurch." Sorry, does not exist.
"Dozens of Democratic candidates," they wrote, 'for federal and state offices-- regardless of their positions on ICE, health care or impeachment-- have sworn off corporate campaign cash." That is such bullshit in so many cases. Corporate PACs aren't beating down their doors to contribute money to them so it's not hard to turn it down, is it? Let's see what happens when they're candidates. AND... how many of these campaigns are begging, pleading, whining, praying for the DCCC to spend millions dollars on their campaigns. Where do they think those millions of dollars come from? Ben Ray Lujan, Steny Hoyer, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz don't pull that cash out of their asses. They funnel Wall Street money, gas and oil money, real estate developer money, war industries money, private prison money, pay day lender money into the campaigns of their favorite candidates. Grow up and smell the grass. The Democratic Party is every bit as corrupt as the Republican Party when it comes to this stuff-- every bit.
"The overall trend has been a wakeup call on Capitol Hill and thrilled leaders of the anti-Trump resistance and the grassroots left." A wakeup call? To wake up and fight progressives harder on behalf of their shitty corrupt conservative candidates like they did 2 weeks ago in Arizona where they helped putrid right-winger Ann Kirkpatrick beat a moderately progressive Matt Heinz? The Democratic Party is not embracing anyone who doesn't make it on their own. They're saving all their love for the worst garbage anyone can find-- the Jeff Van Drews of the election cycle. The DCCC even goes to candidates and tells them if they don't join the Blue Dogs or the New Dems, they won't get any DCCC support. (The week 2 candidates I had high hopes for MJ Hegar-- the one with the great video-- and Xochitl Torres Small-- the one with the great name-- both joined the Blue Dogs. If you're a DWT reader, you know what that means.)
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How about Rashida Tlaib? When will the Democratic Party recruit someone like Rashida? |
Labels: 2018 congressional races, Alexandria Ocasio, DCCC
"Why does A.P. have someone write a story like this"
Wake up, Howie. This story was requested by the "democratic" Party to inject the meme that the Party has heard all of the angst which propelled Bernie Sanders to a position where in a fair primary he would likely have won. "We're different," they want us to believe. "We're better," even though they are not. "We're on YOUR side" even though they still take corporate money.
Howie, the media today is full-blown corporatist, and their only job is to insert specific thoughts into the public so that we don't start thinking for ourselves. No one whose only source of information is the corporate media is ever going to hear what the Party is doing to Bernie and Alexandria, or any of the other progressives who managed to defeat Party hacks. We are literally back to "We're NOT Trump". And that is all the Party wants us voters to know.
I share your pain when it comes to the many failures of the media, Howie. But let's give the public the information they are not getting from the corporate media. What's that old saying again? Light a candle rather than curse the darkness?
Here's the match.
"Vote for the Democrat no matter what!"
LOL. Screw you. I'd rather vote for the real Republican and pray that we survive another two years than vote for these corporatist pricks who pretend to be Democrats
Can it be any more plain than this: the money tells the DxCC and DNC leadershit, that they spent decades buying and paying for, who they want. And the leadershit gives it their all to do that.
Occasionally a pretty and charismatic woman can beat a white male fat fuck whore... but not very often. So, over time, the money moves the democraps further and further right. It's all right in front of you.
Now Pelosi and hoyer are strategizing on winning over REPUBLICAN VOTERS. Not the Nazis who vote only their hate, But the ones who vote their neoliberalism and stupidity about economics. I'm not all that sure there are any of those any more... but Pelosi wants to appeal to them.
I KNOW that Pelosi, hoyer, the obamanations and Clintons and the rest of the 'third wayers" do not give a flying fuck about labor, the elderly, kids, women, blacks, browns, Asians, the poor and disabled... unless they are rich and write 5-figure (minimum) checks, but apparently they also assume that those demos will always vote with them no matter how they get ratfucked.
Or maybe they just assume that everyone has an IQ in the teens. Personally, I can't refute that one.
I also remember the trial balloons in 2006 and 2008... and those were still a lot more than they ever tried to DO, even then.
So whatever Pelosi says is to appeal to voters she thinks she can fool. But what they actually do will be nothing like even the gruel they are making now.
What they actually do, should they fall face first into a majority, will be dictated, strategized and WRITTEN by their favorite (read: those who gave them the most) lobbyists. Of did we forget everything about ACA already? I see we have.
Here's Jimmy Dore's rant on Pelosi
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