Monday, September 24, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Tonight's meme has been around for awhile but I thought that, in light of Congress recently coming back into session and vowing to help our adversaries Russia and China by pushing Tax Scam 2018-Part 2 thus sending our increasing national debt into unchartered waters, and Paul Ryan's vows to cut Social Security and Medicare, using the Trump/Ryan Tax Scams as an excuse... well, it's as timely as ever. The list in the meme is only a partial indicator of the Republican agenda in its war against all but the very richest Americans. Meanwhile, they fervently believe in socialistic billion dollar subsidy handouts of our money to fossil run fossil energy companies. All of this after decades of both parties being willing puppets of the military industrial complex.

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At 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really tired of praising Eisenhower for his exit speech. He was president for eight years, doing and saying nothing about the growth of the MIC until he's literally packed and ready to leave for Gettysburg. He left us the mess he refused to address, then hightailed it.

Maybe he should have stayed in the Army and not been talked into politics where he was clearly out of his element.

At 3:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eisenhower gets high praise for 3 things. In reverse chronological order:
1. His magnificent farewell address,
2. His keeping mum when JFK campaigned on a supposed "missile gap" when Ike knew through intelligence sources that no such thing existed. Had he spoken out, he would have compromised several persons & programs (and Nixon probably would have won in 1960).
3. sending in the troops to protect students in Little Rock. He could have ignored the Brown v Board of Ed Supreme Court decision, but he chose to do the right thing.

At 5:47 AM, Blogger Andy said...

Source for the graphic?

At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Memes need to be understood, even a tiny bit, to be effective.

Understanding this meme requires about a 4th-grade cognizance of math... and perspective on magnitudes.

How many americans possess these? 1%? 5%? maybe 10%??

It's a clever meme. Really. But sadly wasted.

Even educated americans love war and hate that one nickel of theirs might be used to improve the lives of a single person they hate.


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