Friday, December 01, 2017

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


-by Noah

So much is being written about the Trump/Republican Tax Scam. Suffice to say, it's a mind-numbingly brazen attempt by some of the worst people our society has to offer; people named Trump and Ryan and McConnell and their followers, not to mention their corporate masters, to shift record amounts of money from the poor, the working class and the middle class up to the very top of the economic ladder. Unfortunately, making the case of what this heinous Repug scam does and how it does it usually results in its critics bringing out endless charts and graphs. There are clearer ways to illustrate the horror.

Republicans will tell you that redistributing money up to the top tier of wealthy people and corporations will result in investments and growth that will inevitably lead to all sorts of golden financial goodness trickling down to the rest of us. Thinking of that metaphor would be made clearer if psychopaths like Paul Ryan and Donald Trump just said, "Our tax plan will allow us to piss on you with impunity." One of our country's worst presidents, Ronald Reagan, sold Americans a bill of goods and called it "Trickle Down Economics." Well, there he went again. It was another one of his silver-tongued cons. He and his benefactors took our money and ran. Now the Republicans are back for more, much more.

Under Tax Scam 2017, the deficit will grow, exponentially, to a record level, a level that goes right past 11, right past 20. We always seem to have deficits, no matter who occupies the White House, but out of control deficits lead to the stifling of job creation. Apparently, the Republican Party has decided to do the biggest cash grab of all time. It'll be "I got mine, Jack, and I took it from you" times billions. Wah-lah! Ultimate Oligarchy! Russia brought here! Trump rubs his tiny hands together in unrestrained glee. "I'm gonna be so rich, tremendously rich. My bank accounts will be the biggest, the best! They'll make your head spin! Believe me!" And, he'll actually be right. They will be. So will those of the people who hold the true power in this country. So much power that no one will even be able to even dream of justice, economic or otherwise ever again. We will be a nation of the down trodden to the max. Trump's psycho goal is to get himself on at least something approaching equal financial footing with the man he adores possibly even more than himself, Vladimir Putin.

Sometimes a simple meme can get to the essence of what is going on. Teachers have to pay for the pencils while the Trump vermin of the country write off their private jets on our dime. They'll even destroy the health of millions and millions of Americans to do it. To psychotics, that's a side-benefit. It's the kind of thing that puts a big smirk on Paul Ryan's face. McConnell? He's already the richest man in the $enate but he wants more, more, more. They squeeze us and squeeze us, like squeezing blood from stones. They are vampires.

There's nothing about such people that can't be fixed by the proper application of a sledgehammer.

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At 3:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where I come from we expect to be kissed before you fuck us.

At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So... ask yourself why they feel free to do this?

There are 125 million eligible voters, nearly all members of the 99.99% who are being ratfucked, who did NOT vote for republicans in congress or the wh.
There are only 59 million or so who did. and 58.9 million of them are being ratfucked with the rest.. and they are fine with it.

If this were a democracy, the Rs would never feel empowered (by ONLY a third of the electorate) to ratfuck 310 million.

But this is NOT a democracy. It's a corporate oligarchy (at best) and a burgeoning fascist Nazi dictatorship at worst. And their third of voters are giddy about that.

AND their only opposition is an equally (!) corrupt cabal of corporate-owned shills calling themselves "Democrats". And an equal third of the electorate, though waning, insists on voting for them thinking that they'll change things if they ever return to a majority (2008-2016 proved the fallacy of that "thinking").

And a third or so knows there is no hope for change no matter which side of the corruption coin is elected, so they refuse to waste their time.

This kind of tax rape (and every other form of political rape) will only continue and get worse unless and until the D third quits electing democraps and has a better option to support. If that ever happens, there are 60-65 million dormant voters, most of whom would gladly support something better... if that ever exists. Take the intellectually dormant third D supporters and add 35-50 million currently dormant independents and you have a perpetual majority. It's simple math.

But the democraps only want a majority if they can serve only the money... and their share of the electorate will continually wane because of that.

At 12:59 AM, Blogger aodlord13 said...

Thanks for a great article. :D

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