Friday, August 25, 2017

Trump In Phoenix: A Baby Escapes His Crib


-by Noah

Those of us who have seen a 2 or 3 year old throw a screaming, irrational tantrum born of an undeveloped capacity to comprehend the dynamics of civilized society, the unhinged frustrations of not always getting their way, or, not always being praised for their actions, saw the same kind of thing in Senor Trumpanzee’s Phoenix speech.

It’s not like we haven’t seen this before. Any person with a rational mind could have watched any Trump rally last summer for just 2 minutes and seen and felt the insanity and instability coming from the man. In previous posts, I’ve compared him to North Korea’s enfant terrible Kim Jong-un. Neither childish man has a grip on the real world. Both act like toddlers for reasons that will keep shrinks busy for decades. PHD candidates will be writing about the psyches of both men forever, if there is a forever.

But the Phoenix speech packed an even bigger punch to the gut of America than ever before because:

1) The lying to the extent of even deliberately misquoting himself to make himself look better and deny his Neo-Nazi sympathies. CNN counted 57 lies.

(Should Heinz file a suit?). Trump even doctored his words about his own Charlottesville statement, leaving out the “many sides,” “both sides” and “very fine people” portions. He made phony theater of it, pulling out a sheet of paper to read his statement to his audience of suckers and fools, presenting it as the actual words he spoke about Charlottesville. His omission of the true words, his lying about it, is his inadvertent admission that he knows damn well what he said and that he was wrong to say it. It was revisionist. The term for this is known as consciousness of guilt. The scope of the lying was breath taking. His audience of Republican voters ate it up. They stomped and cheered and waved their Trump/Pence placards (Pence was there, too!).

2) As if anyone could have possibly missed seeing what Trump is before, his ranting, untethered spew further cemented the idea in our consciousness that he is a man who traffics in white supremacy. It was a further notice of protection and encouragement to white supremacy, anti-Semitic, and other Neo-Nazi groups. What is he trying to incite? I fear we shall soon see. The speech was often a rambling, long-winded distillation of the thoughts of not only the old Dixiecrats of the 40s, 50s, and 60s such as Strom Thurmond and George Wallace, but of every Grand Wizard who ever put on a sheet.

3) Americans and all except for our enemies in the world are getting really, really tired of this. Just as there is such a thing as metal fatigue, there’s only so much the structure of our nation can take before it snaps. The weight of the walking constitutional crisis that is Donald J. Trump is, for more and more people every day becoming way too much to bear; all except the majority of his party and his co-conspirators and enablers in the House and Senate. Sure, you are starting to hear some rumblings that Republicans are upset with him, but there are very few words from any of them and absolutely no action. History is watching.

Our enemies, particularly in Moscow and the Middle East, not to mention China and North Korea, are rejoicing at this dysfunction that threatens to destroy us from within. For them, Trump is a dream come true. You can also bet that they are very amused that no one on Trump’s White House staff has quit in disgust or even spoken out. Are they really being paid so much that they’ve put their bank accounts ahead of the future of America and the world? More likely, they, like Trump’s party are fellow travelers along Trump’s hate and paranoia-filled path. Either that or we must assume that they are not only unconcerned, but they are actually proud of this hideous excuse for a president. This situation makes one envy those countries that have a parliamentary vote of no confidence mechanism in their constitution.

The events in and around Trump’s Phoenix speech were absurd, surreal, and bizarre in many other ways. Among them:

1) Republican voters, you know, the people who bellyache about “fake news,” even went to social media to post fake attendance pictures of people waiting to get to see their President Crazy Pants. Trump and other Republicans boasted of the huge crowd waiting to get into the arena. It was anything but. In fact, some of the crowd pictures weren’t people waiting for Trump in Phoenix. Hell, they weren’t even in Phoenix! The photos were of people waiting to see the Cleveland Cavaliers in Cleveland to celebrate their successful 2016 championship season. It reminded me of when FOX “News” broadcast pictures of rioters in Madison, Wisconsin a few years ago that were actually of a demonstration in Florida. [The Phoenix Fire Department's crowd estimate differed greatly from Trump's own 15,000 claim. The FD's official estimate was a more modest 4,100 people.]

It’s too bad the compliant media of today didn’t give us a view of the not so capacity crowd. In any event, the Trump rally attendees, regardless of their number, clearly have the same disease as Trump and all around him. Trump is such a cancer that he has affected the minds and actions of Republicans from McConnell and Ryan on down. They continue to aid and abet.

2) The staggering pettiness of Trump was on full display when, speaking in Sen. John McClain’s home state no less, he made sure to attack the ailing senator who is in an inevitable losing battle with brain cancer. This after pretending to be a good Christian man in his opening remarks and even having a member of the faux-Christian Graham family at the beginning of the show. Trump also made no mention of the terrible accident aboard the U.S.S. John S. McCain, a naval ship named after the senator’s father and grandfather. Trump didn’t even have the time or decency to say something about the sailors who died in the accident.

Of course, the audience cheered Trump’s attack on McCain, while a primary challenger to the state’s other senator, Jeff Flake, roamed the floor, presumably spouting her known beliefs in conspiracies such as “the government” spraying “chem trails” from planes to alter the weather and drug the populace for dastardly purposes, i.e. Alex Jones kind of stuff.

3) Trump continued to wail about Obamacare, crying about not being able to get rid of it by “just one vote.” They cheered! Hey, we don’t need no stinking chemo! Treatment for kidney disease? For heart disease? Who cares! Maybe the explanation for their cheering is that they just want to die and die as soon as possible. Could that be why they vote for Republicans? Can we have more carcinogens in our water, please?

4) “The Wall.” The people who voted for Trump did so because, among other things, they wanted “The Wall.” It was at the top of their list and still is. What they especially liked was that their guy said he would build “The Wall” and Mexico would pay for it. In his Phoenix speech, he again promised to build “The Wall” and he now promised that American taxpayers would pay for it or he would “shut the government down”. You guessed it: the discerning crowd cheered wildly! Yay! We pay! Yay! We pay! And, not only that, those government services we want and pay for will stop! Yay!

5) The Trumpanzee also talked about Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a man convicted of depriving people of their rights, constitutional and otherwise. Trump called it “doing his job.” Really, a sheriff’s job is to break the law. Hey, maybe, in Arizona, it is. Who knows at this point? Is the whole state batcrap crazy? Probably not, you see, Arpaio isn’t even a sheriff anymore. Not in the real world anyway. He was voted out last year. But, hey, in the world of Trump’s mind, Arpaio is still sheriff. Ditto for his deluded followers.

6) I may be saving the weirdest for last here. Did you see the wacky looking African-American dude who was prominently positioned behind Trump as a hey, see I’m not a racist president prop? Did he look familiar? If so, that’s because he’s often at Trump rallies. Here’s the story. The man with the “Blacks For Trump” sign and the “Trump and Republicans aren’t racists” T-shirt is what you would expect from any Trump supporter of any background. He is a stone lunatic.

He calls himself Michael The Black Man, aka Michael Symonette, aka Maurice Woodside, and aka Mikael Israel. He once belonged to a violent Miami-based black supremacist cult. Now, he just runs a bunch of randomly ranting, nearly unfathomable, conspiracy gibberish websites that promote his feelings that Hillary Clinton is a KKK member and Oprah Winfrey is the devil, not a devil mind you, but The Devil. Michael is well known and accepted by the Florida Republican Party and has posted footage of himself at Mar-a-lago and with Florida Governor Rick Scott. Michael and other fellow members of his cult were arrested for murder back in the 1990s, yet, there he is. Trump likes to point him out at rallies. When you look at Trump and Michael up there on the stage with the other nuts, you might as well be viewing the scene at an insane asylum. I can only wonder how many of these people think they get abducted by aliens on a monthly basis, whenever the moon is full.

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At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Michael Simmons said...

On Tuesday night November 4th, 1980 -- still in my twenties -- I watched the election results with a couple of friends. We consumed a lethal pharmacopoeia of drugs and alcohol and I have a hunch that I overdosed, died and went to hell. Reagan, then W, reinforced my hunch -- Trump proves it. It's either hell of we're living inside a Terry Southern satire.

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, we shared a moment back in '80. Couldn't fathom how stupid anyone could be to cast a vote for a guy who could not add and was clearly on the leading edge of dementia. AND he committed treason to keep americans in chains so that he would have that issue on which to win the election. I could not have been more disgusted in any hominid. And this after Nixon!!

However, that was then. This is now. Every 4 or 8 years since 'then' has been a new low in disgust.

Only remaining question is whether I will die of the disgust overload before those who inspire that disgust kill us all. If I were a betting man, I'd bet the latter.

At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Michael Simmons said...

Dear Anon,

I hear ya. The whole situ reminds me of those evolutionary charts showing the physical progress of ape to man -- except that Reagan to W to Trump is regress rather than progress.

That is if ape to man was indeed progress. There are moments these days when I wonder.


At 6:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep remembering all those experiments with rats. You give them enough space and food and others to mount and they behave pretty well.

Squeeze them for food? violence.
squeeze them on space? violence.
remove the ladies? violence.

do 2 or all 3? they completely lose their shit.

We've been squeezing for space for centuries. Climate change will squeeze the food. And religion has always played havoc with the freedom to couple.


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