At commencement time, we celebrate the new "capitalist" spirit in higher education
DOONESBURY by G. B. Trudeau

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"We're capitalists, and we have to look at what the demand is, and we have to respond to the demand."
-- Steven B. Long, vice chair of the academic planning committee
of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors
of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors
by Ken
You may think that Oh!-That-Garry Trudeau is just being snippy again today, but it's hard not to look at this strip without thinking of a Daily Kos post earlier this week by LamontCranston, "46 Degree Programs Eliminated Across UNC College System," from which I gleaned the above-highlighted quote from UNC Board of Governors member Steven Long, announcing that programs offered by the UNC state higher-education system, which LC describes as "the example and envy of most of the state systems in this country," will now be put to the test of market forces. The post itself begins: "I guess the North Carolina Board of Governors educational planning committee for the University educational system didn't think these programs were important to our education of our young adults, or warranted due to 'market forces'," and explains that the committee has "voted to discontinue 46 degree programs across the UNC-System, including one at UNC-Chapel Hill: human biology," prompting this comment from LC:
"Human Biology"????Well, you know, LC, they have to look at what the demand is, and respond to the demand. And the response so far is the elimination of these 46 programs from the various campuses of the UNC system:
Appalachian State University: Family and Consumer Sciences, Secondary Education; Technology Education; Mathematics, Education"Yes sir," says LC, "this is your state government on A.L.E.C./Koch brothers/Art Pope control."
Elizabeth City State University: Special Education, General Curriculum; Middle Grades Education; English, Secondary Education; Political Science
East Carolina University: French K-12; German K-12; Hispanic Studies Education; German; French; Public History; Special Education, Intellectual Disabilities; Vocational Education
Fayetteville State University: Art Education; Music Education; Biotechnology
North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University: Comprehensive Science Education; Physical Education
North Carolina Central University: Theatre; Jazz
North Carolina State University: Africana Studies; Women’s and Gender Studies; Business and Marketing Education; Physiology
UNC-Charlotte: Child and Family Development; Special Education, Adapted Curriculum; English Education; Mathematics Education
UNC-Chapel Hill: Human Biology
UNC-Greensboro: Mathematics, Secondary Education (BA); Mathematics, Secondary Education (BS); Economics, Secondary Education; Biology, Secondary Education (BA); Biology, Secondary Education (BS); Composition; Latin Education; Biochemistry
UNC School of the Arts: Film Music Composition
UNC-Wilmington: Physical Education and Health; Music Performance
Western Carolina University: Health Information Administration
Winston-Salem State University: Biotechnology; Elementary Education; Teaching English as a Second Language and Linguistics
This is what the "Free Market" world looks like, and it isn't just limited to how many different types of toothpaste, or canned beans you have available at your local grocery store.
Read it and weep as this could be the future of your state's educational system at a university branch near you.
Pathetic. Read all about it.....

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Great! Not only are the individual institutions within the UNC system to be subject to "what the demand is," but they get to fight amongst themselves for the scraps!
Labels: Doonesbury, higher education, North Carolina
North Carolina is new South Carolina.
John Puma
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