Sunday, December 01, 2013

We still get some of our most on-the-mark news coverage from our official fake-news media



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by Ken

Back in the dark years of the "Chimpy the Prez" Bush regime, the arrival of Jon Stewart on The Daily Show not only provided relief from the mindless clatter of most of the infotainment noozemedia but in fact gave many of us our best actual source for news. Tonight I just throw out a couple of reminders that it's often still the fake-news media that get the story righter than the "serious" newsers.

DECEMBER 1, 2013
G.O.P.: Too Fast Now

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Republican critics of Obamacare rose up in anger today, claiming that, after two months of fixes, the Web site is now “unacceptably fast.”

Leading the howls of protest was the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who accused President Obama of designing a Web site that operates at a “blistering, breakneck speed.”

“With pages loading in milliseconds, this Web site is insuring people before they know what hit them,” Rep. Issa charged. “Clearly, this is what the President and his team had in mind.”

Additionally, Rep. Issa said, at such high speeds “it is questionable whether this Web site is even safe for consumers to use, particularly the elderly.”

The California Republican said he would call for hearings this week to investigate the dangerous new velocity of, telling reporters, “If anyone can slow this thing down, it’s me.”

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