A holiday F.U. to NYC Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio from his friends in City Hall and especially at 1 Police Plaza

From inside the fortress of 1 Police Plaza, NYC's Imperial Counterrevolutionary Guard will have complete security and surveillance power over incoming Mayor de Blasio's police transition team, scheduled to be holed up in a now-unused trailer outside the building.
by Ken
There have been advantages to having a benevolent (at least in his own mind) billionaire as NYC's imperial mayor for 12 years, including his imperially ordained extra-legal third term. But if anyone needs a reminder of why, whatever happens next, we're better off once the little egomaniacal scumbag is pried out of City Hall, here's a heart-warming story about the anti-transition being planned by his egomaniacal-scumbag police commissioner.
I realize that the Little Emperor isn't mentioned at all in this article. But if by chance he has a problem with this (and I'm not at all sure that he does, since his only objection would have been from a public-relations standpoint, and since he's not running for anything in the foreseeable future, why would he care about that?), a single phone call would have put an end to it.
The Little Emperor has used the NYPD as his Imperial Counterrevolutionary Guard, and he and his Imperial Counterrevolutionary Guard commissioner take personally any suggestion that any of their policing has been not just unethical and antidemocratic but plainly illegal. As they plan their departure, they make it abundantly clear that their wildly outsized egos matter more than the well-being of the citizens of the city. So let me say this as graciously as possible: Say, boys, why don't you rot in hell?
Ray Kelly to Stash De Blasio NYPD Transition Team in Trailer
By Murray Weiss on November 29, 2013 9:43am
MANHATTAN — Call it the Transition Trailer.
Outgoing Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly is planning to stick his successor and his transition team in an unused trailer outside police headquarters, sources said.
The trailer will offer the team limited, if any, access to the inside of the super-secure 14-story headquarters, with its lobby guarded by sentries and a bank of turnstiles that require special electronic swipe cards.
The team's coming-and-goings will require screening outside One Police Plaza by NYPD headquarters security, like other members of the public. In the past, transition teams have been afforded space in police headquarters.
And their movements will also be watched 'round-the-clock by NYPD surveillance cameras that can be viewed by Kelly himself on any of the dozens of television monitors in his office that have access to feeds from around the city, sources say.
The trailer simply creates a perception problem, especially for those who already question the way Kelly sometimes does business.
“You are talking about the next police commissioner and his people and you are putting him in a trailer in the back and outside the very place that they will be taking over," said a police official who respects Kelly. "It is very condescending . . . and I think the reason why is to even micro-manage his exit.”
"There is something negative about a new team being put in a trailer by the old team," a second official said. "A trailer has certain connotations, and none of them are good.”
And yet another observer quipped, “It’s worse than a corner office . . . on the corner.”
The trailer, which has been sitting unused outside Police Headquarters for three months, has a conference area, a coffee room and cubicles, and the interior resembles an NYPD command post vehicle.
Document sharing and scheduled meetings between officials will take place in the trailer, with limited exceptions, the sources say.
Since Election Day, there has been virtually no contact between Kelly, Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio and any transition personnel.
The only public encounter between the police commissioner and the mayor-elect occurred after Kelly blasted him and the other mayoral candidates in a “Playboy” interview for turning their backs on him during their campaigns and criticizing his tactics.
De Blasio and Kelly later met, and the mayor-elect said the two ironed out their issues.
But the choice of a trailer for the police transition team will likely stir new friction regardless of the mayor’s pick to succeed Kelly.
‘You have to go through security checkpoints to get inside the Police Headquarters perimeter and pass through exterior zones to get to the trailer, and you are always monitored by the surveillance of cameras,” one official said. “And you can’t get into the building and through the turnstiles without the special entry cards, which none of them will have.
“If I were them, I would say, ‘We will find our own space, and you can come to us.’”
NYPD transition teams are generally comprised of personnel who are no longer part of the department, although one of the leading candidates to succeed Kelly is the current Chief of Department, Philip Banks.
Kelly said earlier this week that he has selected an undisclosed point person from his office to deal with the transition team. Sources say Kelly's choice is Assistant Chief Brian Burke, the longtime head of Kelly's personal security detail.
When asked earlier this week about whether the transition has started, Kelly chuckled.
“We have to talk to somebody,” he said, referring to the fact that no successor has been chosen.
Labels: Bill de Blasio, Michael Bloomberg, New York
They can't leave soon enough so glad we're going to have a real progressive finally running City Hall after 20 years of conservatism here in NYC.
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