Monday, September 23, 2013

Carl Sciortino-- Fighting For America's Future


If you're a regular DWT reader, you already know that Blue America endorsed Carl Sciortino for Ed Markey's old congressional seat (MA-05). The election is less than a month away and there are 6 garden variety Democrats running against Carl, including an EMILY's List candidate who wrote the bill to allow warrentless wiretaps of ordinary Massachusetts citizens and a state senator, Will Brownberger, who's campaign consists of backing Citizens United and the Keystone XL Pipeline!

We're running a billboard campaign for Carl and we teamed up with People For the American Way and the Congressional Progressive Caucus to raise him some money to keep his phenomenal TV ad running. We're giving one random contributor a rare and beautiful RIAA 10 times platinum Eric Clapton Unplugged award plaque (which you can see here; you can also enter to win at that link). This is how People For the American Way's Voter's Alliance framed the effort:
I-93, Stoneham

Carl Sciortino is running in a competitive Democratic primary to replace U.S. Rep. Ed Markey in Massachusetts. He’s the best progressive in the race. We’ve endorsed him. He’s awesome.

Carl’s the best for a number of reasons. He’s a member of our affiliate PFAW Foundation’s Young Elected Officials Network and has been simply amazing carrying the progressive flag on so many issues in the Mass. state legislature.

He just released an incredible campaign ad that is getting tons of attention, standing out for its tone, for the way Carl unabashedly takes pride in his liberal credentials and just because it’s a really, really good ad.

I want you to watch the ad and share it, but more importantly, I urge you to support Carl’s campaign with a donation.

Please click here to do both now.

Oh yeah, and here’s the other new reason to throw YOUR support behind Carl right now: your donation of any amount will enter you in a chance to win a unique piece of Eric Clapton memorabilia.

When I say the piece is unique, I mean really unique. Remember Eric Clapton’s Unplugged album, featuring his iconic retake on his classic Laila as well as Tears in Heaven and more? That album didn’t just go Gold… or Platinum… it went Diamond-- one of the only albums to ever receive such a distinction. The president of the record company that released that album is also a huge fan of Carl, so he donated his special award plaque for it-- one of only a handful made.

So, if you’re a rocker, a Clapton fan or just want to own a cool piece of history, there’s one more reason for you to support Carl Sciortino today.

This contest is a collaborative effort by our affiliated federal PAC, the PFAW Voters Alliance, Progressive Action PAC and Blue America PAC. Of course, when you give, feel free to chip in for the Voters Alliance and/or our great partners. But please give what you can to support Carl.

I can assure you that this will be an investment you will be very happy and proud you made… and Carl will make you proud fighting for your values in Congress.
Raul Grijalva and Keith Ellison, two music fans, as well as the co-chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, sent letters to their supports with a more Clapton-centric perspective, although their backing for Sciortino is very serious.
Hey Hey!

Campaigns aren’t won Runnin’ on Faith. You need a whole lot of folks knocking on doors and a whole lot of friends Rollin’ and Tumblin’ for you to cross the finish line.

That’s why we’ve endorsed Carl Sciortino for Congress.

Now Before You Accuse Me (us) of just another pitch to contribute, you should know we have a special gift for one lucky contributor. Our friends over at Blue America have generously donated an extremely rare Recording Industry Artists of America Award presented to Eric Clapton for one of our favorite albums of all time: Unplugged.


Don’t be a Lonely Stranger. Thousands of people across the country are donating to Carl because he is a real progressive committed to fight for you in Washington.

  Even his tea-party father thinks so (click to see the TV ad).  That’s why the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, People for the American Way Voters Alliance, Blue America and our colleagues Mark Takano, Jared Polis and Alan Grayson endorse him.

So don’t just Layla there. Give some Old Love to Carl Sciortino. It’s the only way you can enter to win the Eric Clapton Diamond Award, but more importantly it’s a chance to support a great candidate for Congress.

Help Carl become the next solid progressive from Massachusetts’ 5th Congressional District and enter for your shot to win this extraordinary piece of Clapton history! Contribute $5, $25, $50 or $500 today!
Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL) gets the last word:
Here's a funny thing: before someone actually is elected to Congress or the White House, he or she never actually has to make a decision on whether to go to war. The most experienced state representative, county commissioner, school board member, lawyer, businessman, doctor or even general never has to make that call. So it's a conundrum: how do you know whether a candidate for Congress will be pro-peace, when they've never had to vote on it?

All we've got to go on is what they say. But sometimes, that's enough.

There will be a special election soon in Massachusetts to replace Rep. Ed Markey, who has taken a seat in the U.S. Senate. There are seven candidates. During the recent debate over U.S. military intervention in Syria, six of those candidates decided that the safe thing was to avoid taking any position on the issue, apparently concluding that the shortest route to immense popularity is to stand for nothing. (This "logic" is all-too-common in public life, unfortunately.)

There was one exception: State Rep. Carl Sciortino. Carl Sciortino held a news conference, with me, to announce his opposition to U.S. military intervention in Syria. That news conference received very wide coverage, including a prominent story in the Boston Globe.

Some people wear their hearts on their sleeves. In Carl's case, that sleeve is embroidered with a peace sign.

Here's another funny thing: after Carl Sciortino held that news conference, the other candidates in the race announced that they, too, were against U.S. military intervention in Syria. Maybe they did that to try to demonstrate that they are right on the issue. But what they actually demonstrated is that Carl Sciortino is a leader-- a leader on war and peace.

I hope that that is enough to motivate you to support Carl Sciortino's campaign. But in case it is not, there is something more: a chance to receive the custom plaque for Eric Clapton's diamond album, Unplugged.

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