Thursday, August 01, 2013

Rand Paul Vs Chris Christie-- Pass The Popcorn


Rand Paul was the only senator who voted against confirming James Comey as the new head of the FBI. Good for Rand! I'm glad he's got his wits about him despite the barrage of attacks and smears aimed at him by Establishment slob Chris Christie who's dead set on being the anti-libertarian Republican presidential nominee in 2016. Rand called Christie out for trying to make voters think he's somehow Rudy Giuliani or George W Bush. He's doing his best to paint Christie as the greedy, self-serving pig that he's always been. And he went on Sean Hannity's Fox TV show to do it.
“It’s really I think kind of sad and cheap that he would use the cloak of 9/11 victims and say-- ‘I’m the only one who cares about these victims.’ Hogwash! If he cared about protecting this country maybe he wouldn’t be in this gimme-gimme-gimme, give me all the money you have in Washington or don’t have, and he’d be a little more fiscally responsive and know that the way we defend our country, the way we have enough money for national defense, is by being frugal and not being gimme-gimme all the time.”
After Christie backed unconstitutional domestic spying by stoking terrorism fears-- and singling Paul out as an "esoteric intellectual" who's endangering the country-- Rand blasted back that “People who are flippant about privacy, flippant about the Fourth Amendment, and flippant about the Bill of Rights... they do an injustice to our soldiers. Our soldiers are laying their lives on the line for the Bill of Rights.” Far right propagandist Mark Levin, who tilts strongly towards fascism, says he's had it with Christie and doubts he would even vote for him if he ran against Hillary Clinton in 2016! Interviewed by Neil Cavuto, he said "we conservatives have been fighting against the Republican establishment for half a century. Whether they take the form of Chris Christie and Romney or whether they take the form of Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon, and this country needs to move in a new direction, economically, constitutionally, when it comes to our Bill of Rights and so forth. I take this backstep to nobody in securing the border, securing the country... Guys like me have been voting Republican our entire lives and were taken advantage of and the base is under attack now. One of your colleagues there, Karl Rove, has actually set up a PAC to attack the tea party in primaries and so forth. I've had enough. I'm not going to be a sucker anymore."

Paul also attacked the rotund New Jersey governor with a reputation as a bully for picking a public fight with him. "I think it’s not very smart. He may have heard that the Republican Party is on life support in the Northeast. Republicans are in danger of becoming an endangered species, so it’s not smart for Republicans to be attacking Republicans." This is only going to get better in the next 15 months.

But the slob from Jersey isn't just attacking Rand Paul, he's attacking the whole state of Kentucky. At a press conference he pointed out that his state-- thanks not at all to him or his reactionary policies-- is a donor state and that they only get back 61 cents for every dollar they send to the Feds while Kentucky is a bunch of welfare bums who get $1.51 for every dollar they pay in. Tuesday Christie, who some inside the GOP refer to as the king of bacon-- suggested that "Maybe he should start cutting the pork barrel spending that he brings home to Kentucky. But I doubt he will because most Washington politicians only care about bringing home the bacon so that they can get re-elected."

Paul, a gentleman, offered to bury the hatchet and have a beer together. Christie, a boorish slob and bully, called Paul a wimp for giving in and turned him down flat, claiming Paul is trying to boost his name recognition by using Christie's popularity (which is patently absurd since Republicans favor Paul over Christie by significant margins). Offended Kentuckians-- as well as libertarian and independent-minded Tea Party supporters of Rand Paul-- can get even with Christie by helping state Senator Barbara Buono defeat him this November. You can do that here. That would take the wind out of the bully's sails!

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At 3:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no greater group of hypocrites on every single subject that they profess 1000% adherence to than modern America's cafeteria libertarians like the Pauls. They can't wait to get their hands on the reins of all that illicit power so they can sabotage their opposition and feed their own corrupt beast. It's like the cafeteria libertarian toejam fetish with liberty. Ask the Pauls about liberty for women. Ask their coveted political base to whom they've pandered for 40 years - white supremacists, overt, covert, and in denial - who liberty is supposed to be for. The Pauls and their Bircher ilk are just stalking the big dollar score like everybody else, and using their cartoon austerity-porn lack of understanding of The Constitution and its inherent federalism as a skirt to hide behind. There's no more revelatory sight than watching the cafeteria libertarians join the D.C. gravy train and become political lobbyists and 'consultants' with big business lobby shops. Their appetite for the federal teat makes Christie personally look anorexic by comparison. And Rand Paul is perfectly okay with using drones to kill innocent people, as long as they're not American citizens (supposedly), and be assured that if he were President, that too would go right out the window as would any other so-called cafeteria principle. Hey, Paul wouldn't even discipline let alone fire his campaign security goons WHO BEAT UP LIBERAL WOMEN ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL during his Senate run. The Paul campaign closed ranks around those misogynist bullies and tried desperately to hide their identities. Paul also encouraged those stupid camo-covered goons with their automatic weapons to follow around his campaign, and there's no greater dangerous-to-Americans human drones than those heavily armed and heavily propagandized wacko bullies! Never side with a misogynist or a racist seditious Bircher under any circumstance on any issue. It only encourages them and gives their hatred credence. I wish you'd find someone else to extol on civil liberties. The rancid Pauls don't deserve it, haven't earned it, and never will. Hey, that Hitler really knew how to design a car and turn around an economy, didn't they!

At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently there are two schools of thought here at DWT regarding Gov Voluminous.


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