Monday, June 10, 2013

Can Iceland Give NSA Whistle Blower Asylum Before The Gulag Swallows Him Up?


Predictably, uptight Military Industrial Complex shills like Peter King (R-NY) and Mike Rogers (R-MI), were on the Sunday TV gab fests howling for the blood of Edward Snowden, the 29 year old ex-NSA employee/technical engineer for defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden came forward and outed himself as the source of Glenn Greenwald's explosive exposé about NSA domestic spying in The Guardian last week. Eric Cantor chimed in this morning that the House investigation will be "very serious." Does that mean he won't give the investigation to GOP clown Darrell Issa? And does it mean the "very serious" investigation will be of the program itself, rather than of the whistleblower? Don't count on it. Watch Cantor dodge the few direct questions the corporate media talking heads asked him:

Snowden is in Hong Kong, and the U.S. has a bilateral extradition treaty with that... "country." Meanwhile, Glenn Greenwald was on Morning Joe with the moron team. The video is up top and I strongly recommend you watch it. Glenn's point (in his TV appearances): the NSA leak doesn't jeopardize national security. "There’s not a single revelation that we’ve provided to the world that even remotely jeopardizes national security."

Greenwald warned that we haven't seen anything yet, compared to what The Guardian has coming. So will whistle-blower and patriot Edward Snowden wind up in some secretive star court and gulag the way Bradley Manning has? Probably-- and, sadly, with the blessing of most Americans. Or maybe Iceland will give him asylum.
When WikiLeaks burst onto the international stage in 2010, the small Nordic nation of Iceland offered it a safe haven. Now American whistleblower Edward Snowden may be seeking that country’s protection, and at least one member of its parliament says she’s ready to help. On Sunday evening Icelandic member of parliament Birgitta Jonsdottir and Smari McCarthy, executive director of the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, issued a statement of support for Snowden, the Booz Allen Hamilton staffer who identified himself to The Guardian newspaper as the source of a series of top secret documents outlining the NSA’s massive surveillance of foreigners and Americans.

“Whereas IMMI is based in Iceland, and has worked on protections of privacy, furtherance of government transparency, and the protection of whistleblowers, we feel it is our duty to offer to assist and advise Mr. Snowden to the greatest of our ability,” their statement reads. “We are already working on detailing the legal protocols required to apply for asylum, and will over the course of the week be seeking a meeting with the newly appointed interior minister of Iceland, Mrs. Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, to discuss whether an asylum request can be processed in a swift manner, should such an application be made.”

It’s not yet clear whether Snowden has officially applied for asylum in Iceland. A press contact for the Icelandic Ministry of Interior, which handles asylum requests, said that he hadn’t yet seen an application from Snowden and that the ministry couldn’t comment until one was received.

Snowden, who left his home in Hawaii in May and is taking refuge in a Hong Kong hotel, noted his interest in seeking asylum in Iceland in The Guardian’s interview, telling the newspaper that his ”predisposition is to seek asylum in a country with shared values, The nation that most encompasses this is Iceland,” he said. “They stood up for people over internet freedom.”

The 29-year-old intelligence analyst may have been referring to the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, a group founded by Jonsdottir and McCarthy that has sought to strengthen Iceland’s protections for media outlets and whistleblowers. That project, which successfully passed a new source protection law in 2011, was propelled in part by Jonsdottir and McCarthy’s participation in WikiLeaks; Both Icelanders helped to publish the leaked Apache helicopter video that revealed the killing of civilians and journalists in Baghdad in April 2010.

“Over the last few days we at the International Modern Media Institute have watched alongside the rest of the world as the US government’s enormous encroachments on privacy and information security have been exposed in the media,” Jonsdottir’s and McCarthy’s statement reads. “These exposures have verified our greatest fears about the state of global intelligence gathering, and yet again highlighted the need for strong privacy protections and government transparency.”
Fly in the ointment: the most recent election in Iceland turned power over to a conservative government not all that likely to be as sympathetic to Snowden as anyone hopes-- if he can even get there, which sounds like a longshot to me considering where he is now.

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