Saturday, November 03, 2012



If you're a generic Democrat (or a zombie Republican) there's no reason to read this post. It's a post for progressives interested in building progressive power in Congress. Progressives interested in progressive power may root against a war criminal like Allen West in Florida but they don't support his opponent, New Dem Patrick Murphy, a life-long spoiled, rich Republican who switched his registration (and district) specifically so he could take on West. There are plenty of progressives running-- and nearby-- who can use your help. And the DCCC, as usual, is supporting the New Dems and Blue Dogs, almost exclusively, and doing everything they can to suppressive grassroots progressives. So, yes, they're backing Murphy, of course, but leaving dozens of progressives to die on the vine.

Tuesday is election day. Here's a list of progressives running for the House. You should vote for these men and women. They're, more or less, the real deal. This isn't a "but he's better than the other one" kind of list. The incumbents are in italics-- and their inclusion is based strictly-- numerically-- on their voting records.

• Arizona

Raul Grijalva
Kyrsten Sinema

• California

Jared Huffman
Doris Matsui
George Miller
Nancy Pelosi
Barbara Lee
Pete Stark
Zoe Lofgren
Anna Eshoo
Jackie Speier
Mike Honda
Sam Farr
Lois Capps

Lee Rogers
Judy Chu
Grace Napolitano
Xavier Becerra

Raul Ruiz
Karen Bass
Linda Sanchez

Jay Chen
Lucille Royball-Allard
Mark Takano
Maxine Waters
Janice Hahn

Sukhee Kang
Alan Lowenthal
Jerry Tetalman

• Colorado

Diana DeGette
Joe Miklosi

• Connecticut

Rosa DeLauro
John Larson

• Florida

Alan Grayson
Alcee Hastings
Frederica Wilson

Heather Beaven
Jim Roach
Lois Frankel
Joe Garcia

• Georgia

John Lewis
Hank Johnson

• Hawaii

Tulsi Gabbard

• Illinois

Jan Schakowsky
Jesse Jackson, Jr.
Danny Davis
Bobby Rush
Luis Gutierrez

David Gill
Wanda Rohl

• Indiana

Shelli Yoder

• Kentucky

John Yarmuth

• Maine

Chellie Pingree

• Maryland

Donna Edwards
Elijah Cummings
John Sarbanes

• Massachusetts

Jim McGovern
John Tierney
Ed Markey
Mike Capuano
Richard Neal
Bill Keating

• Michigan

John Conyers
Syed Taj
Lance Enderle
Mike O'Brien

• Minnesota

Keith Ellison
Betty McCollum

Jim Graves

• Missouri

William Lacy Clay
Emanuel Cleaver

• New Hampshire

Carol Shea-Porter
Ann Kuster

• New Jersey

Rush Holt
Frank Pallone

• New York

Jerry Nadler
Nydia Velázquez
Yvette Clarke
José Serrano
Charlie Rangel
Paul Tonko
Louise Slaughter

Nate Shinagawa
Carolyn Maloney
Hakeem Jeffries

• North Carolina

Patsy Keever
Mel Watt
Elizabeth Motzinger

• Ohio

Marcia Fudge
Pat Lang

• Oregon

Earl Blumenauer
Suzanne Bonamici

• Pennsylvania

Chaka Fattah
Missa Eaton
Aryanna Strader

• Rhode Island

David Cicilline

• Tennessee

Steve Cohen

• Texas

Lloyd Doggett
Beto O'Rourke

• Vermont

Peter Welch

• Virginia

Wayne Powell

• Washington

Jim McDermott

• West Virginia

Sue Thorn

• Wisconsin

Gwen Moore
Rob Zerban
Mark Pocan
Pat Kreitlow

Democratic House incumbents who voted mostly with the GOP and who always drag the Democratic caucus further to the right and away from the interests of working families and who the Democrats would be better off without-- these are the incumbents who you shouldn't even vote for no matter how horrible the Republican is. (Everyone on this list has voted more frequently against progressive legislation than for it in the last session. The list is ordered from bad to worse.)

Kathy Hochul (New Dem-NY)
Gene Green (D-TX)
Sanford Bishop (Blue Dog-GA)
Larry Kissell (Blue Dog-NC)
Bill Owens (New Dem-NY)
Mark Critz (D-PA)
Mike McIntyre (Blue Dog/New Dem-NC)
Ben Chandler (Blue Dog-KY)
Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX)
Jim Costa (Blue Dog-CA)
John Barrow (Blue Dog/New Dem-GA)
Collin Peterson (Blue Dog-MN)
Jim Matheson (Blue Dog-UT)

These are the Blue Dogs the DCCC is trying to pass off as Democrats and get into Congress Tuesday. Again, under no circumstances should you consider voting for any of these reactionaries:

David Crooks (IN)- $516,483
Pete Gallego (TX)- $4,419,692
Pam Gulleson (ND)- 0
Nick Lampson (TX)- $177,554
Gary McDowell (MI)- $3,697,194
Brendan Mullen (IN)- $411,652
Sal Pace (CO)- $453,626
Hayden Rogers (NC)- 0
Rob Wallace (OK)- $10,681
Charlie Wilson (OH)- $2,512,712

The number next to their names is how much the DCCC and their related entities have spent on Independent activities (primarily TV and radio ads) on these anti-progressives this cycle.

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At 8:33 AM, Anonymous ap215 said...

Incredible list i'll spread the word thanks

At 10:25 AM, Blogger John said...

Add Peter DeFazio (OR - 4)


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