Saturday, July 21, 2012

Offshoring, Outsourcing... And The Republican Party


Debbie Stabenow's S. 3364, the Brings Jobs Home Act, is a pretty simple bill and a bipartisan majority of the Senate supports it. But Miss McConnell, desperate not to embarrass Mitt Romney', with his long record at Bain of outsourcing and offshoring American jobs as part of his company's very profitable business model, is filibustering the bill and keeping it from being voted on. This week, Harry Reid tried once again to bring the bill up for a vote and his attempt failed, 56 voting in favor (every single Democrat plus 4 Republicans) and 42 conservatives voting NO. The official summary of the bill would probably be one of the least contentious pieces of legislation for American voters and support is practically universal:
Bring Jobs Home Act-- Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) grant business taxpayers a tax credit for up to 20% of insourcing expenses incurred for eliminating a business located outside the United States and  relocating it within the United States, and (2) deny a tax deduction for outsourcing expenses incurred in relocating a U.S. business outside the United States. Requires an increase in the taxpayer's employment of full-time employees in the United States in order to claim the tax credit for insourcing expenses.

But the contrast between President Obama's position and Romney's position is to dangerous for Republicans to allow a vote that would give Obama a victory, regardless of how Americans feel about it. Although two of the most vulnerable Republicans, Scott Brown (MA) and Dean Heller (NV), facing tough reelection battles crossed the aisle and voted with the Democrats, most Republicans feel their voters are stupid enough to ignore this kind of vote. Hatch knows the zombie base in Utah isn't going to defeat him over this in November and Bob Corker, Roger Wicker and John Barrasso are safe making the same assumptions about Tennessee, Mississippi and Wyoming voters. A key component of Republican strategy for taking over the government in November has always been pure obstructionism-- and blocking job creation is crucial to the strategy.
Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the No.1 item on the president's congressional "to-do-list," refusing to allow a vote on a bill that would give tax breaks for companies that "insource" jobs to the U.S. from overseas while eliminating tax deductions for companies that move jobs abroad.

...With job creation the top issue this campaign season, and outsourcing being blamed as a big contributor to the high unemployment rate, Democrats saw the bill as an election-year winner. Sponsored by Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan, who is running for reelection, the bill made it to the top of the "to-do list" for Congress President Barack Obama unveiled earlier this year.

The Bring Jobs Home Act would provide a 20% tax break for the costs of moving jobs back to the United States and would rescind business expense deductions available to companies that are associated with the cost of moving operations overseas.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, had warned Democrats before the vote that his party would want to amend the bill-- possibly with hot-button issues like repealing the health care reform law or extending the Bush-era tax cuts for all income levels.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, responded that those amendments were not germane to the bill and he would not allow votes on them.

In addition, Republican aides called attention to opposition by business groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers, who generally support Republicans.

In a letter to senators this week, the Chamber of Commerce called the bill "misguided" and said it "would hamper American worldwide companies' competitiveness, increase complexity in the Internal Revenue Code, and threaten economic growth."

The Chamber said it would count how senators voted on this motion in their annual "How they Voted" scorecard.

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At 4:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mitt and republican will destroy america , will not let to pass any anti outsourcing act

COLORADO (Denever, aurora mall) shootings where just start(many more to happen) , I could see in the heart of frustrated COLORADO shooter(Maters degree holder with no job, your child can also be victim prey of jobless america) , with no job , no future , no hope , nothing to loose made him dare to fire ,(to become lone wolf terrorist ).
Where r the jobs?, which would have made him busy I n daily chores , no there aren't any jobs as they all shifted to overseas Leaving our youth pathless , without future without hope.

IF "BRING JOBS HOME ACT " is not passed immediately.(more incidents like denver shootings will take place , more bloodshed its grim future for american youths ).

DON'T worry not only manufacturing jobs but also jobs like in service sector jobs , management level jobs, financial sector , banking , insurance , legal, pharma , Programming , software , Information Technology (IT) , Media , Animation l etc etc thousand of them r going to be outsourced overseas , (watch that YouTube link too).

The dip in unemployment rate is temporarily and its cooked for election 2012 ,
after election it will be risen considerably in tow digits (and don t forget about the quality of jobs).

This current Call Centre bill And American jobs Act will be also not passed , same as previous outsourcing bill which was dead.Its an Election gimmick , with nexus of corporate s (wall street ) and government to fool people , and they r damn sure that this will too not pass very damn sure , infact Morgan Stanley and jp morgan chase (these both got large amount Bailout from fed (tax money)) is going to cut more jobs in US around most of them and they will will transferred to India , they want to transfer about 92 % more jobs outside , A mortgage company OCWEN FINANCIAL which has 90 % of jobs outsourced overseas ( India and some to Uruguay ) r buying more mortgage companies like LITTON from Goldman sachs and HomeEq servicing from Braclays and together with Altisource etc and transfer there jobs to overseas too ( mostly all of them ) same with IBM and other companies. so most of american companies will be employing overseas people in future ( might be 95 % of workforce). jobs of authors , contents writers , editors , copy writers etc etc will also be going to be outsourced so u too get ready to find other job in Mac Donald or wall-mart And all your jobs r here , Below in this links.;.

Now JP Morgan chase will cut more jobs and outsource (transfer most of the jobs to overseas), most of there work force , so ready to get fired.


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