Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just One Word To Describe Each GOP Candidate


When John King asked the clownish Republicans-- think: evil clown-- REMAINING in their party's presidential nomination process to describe themselves with one word, I was ready with twitter. The DWT Republican Primary Caricaturist considers Ron Paul beneath his dignity but here's a composite of the 3 tweets:

Resolute, Courage and Cheerful-- not necessarily in that order

The Daily Beast was on to the next step in the art and science of caricature. They asked their Facebook friends to describe each candidate with one word-- removed the unspeakable ones-- and then combined with Wordle, an online application that converts text into word clouds. The results:





Sanctimonious is the word that's forever on the tip of my tongue when I'm writing about ex-Senator Frothy. But it never comes up in time. Now I'll always have the above image to reference.



At 7:53 PM, Anonymous me said...

For what it's worth, here's my word per candidate:

Romney: dickwad

Santorum: santorum

Paul: kook

Gingrich: asshole

(I really don't know what a "dickwad" is, but that word just comes to mind when I listen to Romney.)

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous me said...

PS. I sure with Google would quit futzing with the comments page. Every time they touch it, it gets worse.

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous me said...

Oops. "Wish", not "with".


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