Monday, December 12, 2011

Going Beyond Various Levels Of Suckage


Nick Ruiz, may have run into some unexpected good luck, when Florida Republican legislators-- embarrassed by Congresswoman Sandy's Adam's mindless extremism-- just gerrymandered her district (and Ruiz's) in such a way that will make it more difficult for her to be elected. Ruiz was the very first candidate endorsed by Blue America this cycle. His platform alone tells much of the story. No one is ever going to accuse him of being a Blue Dog type or of being a corporate shill, like so many Democrats, or even a goes-along-to-get-along type candidate that the DCCC prefers. Ruiz is ten steps ahead of the rest of the pack-- on everything. When I told Bernie Sanders about him, I told him Ruiz had passed the Bernie Sanders test.

When other candidates are arguing about the pros and cons of Austerity, Ruiz is explaining why a hefty increase in the minimum wage and a lowering of the age of retirement are the best ways to fix the economy. He's not going to engage in a discussion of cutting back on Medicare. He favors universal health, single payer health care, in effect, Medicare for all Americans. And yesterday, as his prospects of victory were brightening he sent central Florida voters a message about real progressive governance most of them have never experienced in their lifetimes:
The American legacy should not be one of poverty and abandonment, and yet increasingly, that’s how it is.

The American perspective should not be dogmatized by the singularity of conservative governance, and yet increasingly, that’s what it is happening.

American social justice requires that those that can do more-- do more to help the entirety of the whole. The American story is characterized by the solidly middle class, New Deal legacy that we have reconstituted time after time when facing economic
challenges. But since 1970, the top earners have been taking an ever larger piece of the American pie, as their tax obligations have shrunken to crumbs. The result: social injustice and spreading poverty, as there is less and less capital to go around.

And yet, conservative politicians tell you the top earners need more money.


And why, amid a national unemployment epidemic, and spreading poverty, would the US lower the lowest federal tax rates for the wealthy in decades, to even lower levels? It’s already evident that lower tax rates and diminished government investment destroy the middle class. So why suggest more of it, as conservative politicians

If we continue to reward conservative politicians with election, they will continue to mock the middle class with condescending rhetoric and policies that lessen equality and opportunity for all.

If we continue to reward a political party apparatus and conservaliberal PACS that do not support New Deal candidates that we know are most inspired and competent to fight for our interests, then they will continue to fund and promote second-rate candidates that will ultimately take orders from the status quo. It's unequivocal
that in the crucial battles to come-- they will flounder, cut and run.

We should be rushing into renewable energy, nor wallowing in dirty tar sands.

We should be rushing home from undeclared wars, not wallowing in deathly defense spending and destructive human chaos.

We should ensure a fair federal minimum wage, conditions of employment and affordable necessity commodities.

Poverty should be eradicated, like the scourge that it is.

It’s not just Republicans that we must hold accountable. Democrats, ourselves must be held accountable.

If you like the way America is today, then you know where to send your money. The status quo is always happy to give you more of the same, and lead America further down the rabbit hole of middle class destruction. They can’t help themselves.

If you are like me, then you will fight back for the New Deal legacy, and you will not take no for an answer.

Progressives aren't going to get far electing corporate hacks in blue t-shirts who are slightly less bad than the corporate hacks in red t-shirts. Steny Hoyer, the Blue Dogs and Debbie Wasserman Schultz may suck less than the Republicans-- or maybe not. On that level of suckage, it hardly matters. If we don't opt for real leadership and real vision... we won't get it. I'm not asking you to put your life on hold and run for office. But how about contribiting to Nick Ruiz's campaign, so he can?

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At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At last, a politician who has some sense. You've got to love Nicholas Ruiz. Lower the retirement age, universal health care for all. We are on the verge of the greatest prosperity for all ever achieved and we are stuck with poorest elected officials in our history. Now is the time. We must go all out to help our Blue America candidates.


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