Monday, October 24, 2011

John Waltz-- Not The Kind of Democrat Who Embraces The Status Quo


Occupy The DCCC

On Wednesday the DCCC invited dozens of candidates from across the country to a big powwow in DC. As we saw last week, the DCCC is pimping the anti-Choice, anti-gay, anti-progressive Blue Dog Caucus, along with normal Democratic groups, to the new recruits. But they didn't invite all candidates. They've been scurrying around like nasty little sorority girls telling Democratic donors that Michigan blue collar progressive John Waltz isn't running. That's obviously untrue but even after they were corrected, they still didn't invite him to their shindig. He's the only Blue America candidate not invited. I dedicated some resources to finding out why. And, sure enough, "ex"-Blue Dog Steve Israel or one of his cronies, who just never feel comfortable with blue collar candidates, found a less progressive person to try to shove on the ballot, Mike O'Brien.

Maybe Israel doesn't feel comfortable with Waltz's involvement with OccupyWallStreet. Israel's power flows from his ability to aggregate dirty cash from Wall Street, K Street and the institutions of the 1%. He probably doesn't feel especially comfortable when Democrats say things like what Waltz told us last week:
"What started out with a handful of folks on a windy day in Kalamazoo ended up growing into a protest with over 200 people as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Talking to several folks I could tell that they were frustrated that the top one percent of this nation is being coddled while the rest of us are getting trampled on. I heard concerns that ranged from economics to education and they were focused on making a difference.

"It was an honor to take part in this day of action in Kalamazoo. While we marched the streets with the sound of chants and drums there were several folks who were honking in support. It appears that the sleeping masses have awoken and there is a sea change coming. Question is whether this can be sustained and the answer I heard was a resounding yes."

I called Waltz and asked him if he knew anything about the DCCC trying to bum-rush his race with a business-oriented candidate. He didn't but he told me that "[t]his news does not come as a surprise to me. I am not the type of guy who will go along to get along and follow the status quo. Folks in Michigan's Sixth and across this nation are tired of establishment candidates who are not willing to step on a few toes to get things done. As one of the ninety-nine per centers I know exactly what folks are going through, which is why I will not be serving corporations, organizations, or my party. I will only serve and be held accountable to my constituents. I am sure this attitude does not fit well in the establishment's agenda, but I am proud to be a fighter."

The other day Digby wrote about how OccupyWallStreet was able to fend off demands from very factions-- some just naive, some apparently hoping for a violent revolution-- that the movement completely reject the American political system. What's the alternative to democracy, even one as flawed as our own-- and please remember who has the guns... and the stomach to use them. And now there's a website dedicated to criticizing OccupyWallStreet from... I guess the left.
Our political system is rigged and it is working very well for the moneyed interests who rigged it. As such, our ability as citizens to influence core policy is very limited. Their power structure is well insulated. Paradoxically, though, for it to continue its smooth run, it is instrumental that the educated classes entertain illusions of influence. Elections serve that purpose, and when those cease to produce the desired result, or promises are broken, the disappointed can replenish their optimism in protest movements that are eventually co-opted by their proximate establishment party. Accordingly, OWS currently doesn’t pose much of a threat to the corporate-government consortium. This, ironically, has much to do with the protesters belief in their own ability to influence and reform the system.

Sure... but John Waltz isn't Steny Hoyer or Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Steve Israel. Anyone know if kids these days still listen to old Beatles songs?

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