Freakshow Politics: I Heard The News Today, Oh Boy

- By Noah
Great. So President Obama has shown us his full birth certificate. I wonder what the Repug Party will find wrong with it. We already know that some of them don’t believe that Hawaii “is in America.” But now we should expect stories about how the typeface didn’t exist in 1961, and the color of the paper hadn’t been invented yet. Then, some Republican congresscretin from Texas or some other land of total dementia will go before the cameras with a story about how, when he was just a boy vacationing in Hawaii with his family, he saw a flying saucer decorated with Muslim crescents land on the beach one night, hand Obama’s parents a baby in a blue blanket, and then take off for parts unknown in galaxies far, far away.
The congresscretin’s story will tear the Repug Party apart once and for all as half of the party accepts the story as proof that the President is not “from around here,” and, the other half will be mightily conflicted when a former evangelical public access TV “pastor,” new to a prime time slot at FOX “News” convinces them that this story might be evidence that Obama might actually be of divine origin, even if he is a registered Democrat. Trumpy the clown will respond to them saying, “Yeah? Well then how come he’s black?”
As the 2012 primary season drags along, perhaps we should demand to see Trump’s tax returns and divorce records for the last 40 years, proof that Palin graduated from the 6th grade, Bachmann’s Certificate of Sanity, some sort of documentation that Huckabbee doesn’t hangout at playgrounds, proof that Mitt Romney’s hair is actually hair and not some molded hardshell plastic thingie that was fused to his head during his previous life as a department store mannequin, and proof that Ron Paul wasn’t piloting that UFO.
Can I have that certificate printed on a mug for my tea? Or, will I have to settle for a special edition McDonalds soda cup and birth certificate napkin set?
Labels: birthers
email today from bill keller from liveprayer,one of the guys who drove the birther issue AND a convicted felon.
Then God is a sinner.You are a blasphemous phoney.I'm done with your fear son. writes:
we help over 200 men and women in bondage to this sin every many have you helped become free??Know that I am praying for you, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
----- Original Message -----
Unconditional love to all humans! Until you do, you're living in the dark!Why are you afraid of homosexuals? Come clean with God. He loves all people, including homosexuals. writes:
LOL..I guess you buy into UFOs too???..LOL!!!!taking hour pants off to ahve sex is a CHOICE
Know that I am praying for you, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
The homosexual trait is inherent in the natural genes of homosexuals.
You'll need to speak to your God about that. God created all types of human beings so that you
could learn to practice love and understanding on an unconditional level. Until you do, you'll be
outside of the light of God. writes: was Barry's issue..not mine..I simply asked the questions tens of millions what should be a harmless document..and instead..he spent millions hiding for those who CHOOSE to commit homosexual acts..we work with them daily to help them find freedom from their bondage
Know that I am praying for you, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
Done! Nice to know the birther issue was all a ruse for you! You need to admit it to your God.
You drove a lie. p.s. What's your problem with gays? They are God's creatures afterall. writes:
please..send my response..since my issues with Barry has always been why he loves to kill babies..and support the gays..and the enemies of Israel..that is my issue with him...Barry..and Barry alone caused this issue..nobody else..
Know that I am praying for you, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
He showed you the document months ago but you denied it so he let you squirm in your
racism. If you were truly a man of God, this would not be your response. I'll share it with the
media if it's ok with you. You seem to be using Jesus to stuff your pockets, much like
crush slimebaugh, sean hateity, sarah falin and glenn hack. Thanks for your response.
You've been exposed!
In a message dated 4/27/2011 4:40:07 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
LOL!!! who asked this failure of a President for 3 yrs to produce an innocent document anyone else can produce..and spending millions in legal fees to keep it hiddien... is being a racist?? are an should be emailing Barry and asking him why he supports killing babies..the radical gay agenda..the enemies of Israel..those are the issues God cares about..what a tool you are..
Know that I am praying for you, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 4:18 PM
Subject: (no subject)
Bill, I hope your racism was put to rest today with Obama's birth certificate.
My guess however, is that you're die hard suthun racist to the bone.
Learn the teachings of Jesus Christ you hypocrit. It's sacriledge what you do
in his name! Tim Hurst
Ft. Mitchell, Ky.
Just when I thought Donald Trump couldn't get any more fucking ridiculous, he now claims that he's "proud" that he forced O'Bummer to release his birth certificate.
Holy moly, what a cretinous, delusional, self-important ass clown. I never, ever thought anyone could make Bachman or Palin look sane in comparison, but he managed. Congratulations, Donald Chump.
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