Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Will Wall Street Mafia Completely Take Over Chicago Now?


Yesterday Blue America tried to help Carol Moseley Braun get going with some national grassroots fundraising. As you can see, we raised around $7,500 for her. But we also discovered that Chicago progressives are so riven and so focused on Rahm's slick, pervasive, negative narrative about Braun that it's nearly hopeless that Emanuel can be stopped. Worse yet, Emanuel and the Big Business interests behind him are working behind the scenes to also win a conservative majority on the City Council. A Daley/Emanuel operative has put together a new PAC, which has already raised a million dollars from anti-family/anti-consumer forces to help bring about a take over that will be more complete and more devastating than anything Al Capone-- or Richard Daley-- ever contemplated.
Greg Goldner, who worked as campaign manager for Daley in 2003 and Emanuel’s first congressional campaign in 2002, is listed as the chairman of the new For A Better Chicago PAC, according to documents filed Friday with state elections officials.

...The effort appears to be an attempt to counter the enormous participation in local politics of organized labor, which was the biggest campaign donor by far in the 2007 council election. Goldner said For a Better Chicago would provide its endorsed candidates with “direct mail, survey research, voter education and get-out-the-vote efforts in wards throughout the city.”

Carol was fighting back against Rahm's slurs this morning. No one could doubt who exactly she's referring to, could they? Only one candidate for Mayor took some time off from work in DC, got a "job" as a bankster, went to work for Wall Street for a few months and was handed tens of millions of dollars to help him build power to further advance their interests!

Stop Rahm!

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At 11:27 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks, I'm going to tell all my Chicago area friends about this.

Soon there will be no Democratic Party - only the Blue Dog party.


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