What Does The Shirley Sherrod Case Tell Us About Ourselves?
I always thought Rahm Emanuel was the 4th Stooge
When I woke up yesterday CNN had an elderly Georgia farmer's widow on the phone talking about how some lady named Shirley Sherrod had saved their farm and there was something about picking tomatoes, which she pronounced tomaters, and then I remembered it was primary day in Georgia and I ran downstairs to tweet a last minute incantation for Regina Thomas in her courageous battle against stinky-- and loaded-- Blue Dog John Barrow. Then, over the morning, I saw a billion tweets about Ms Sherrod. I'm sure everyone knows the story now about how Andrew Breitbart, apparently Obama's Director of Personnel, had managed to find some tape, pull a piece out of context and get Ms Sherrod-- an assertive African American woman (3 strikes in Breitbart-world)-- fired by that walking Profile in Courage, former shady DLC head, current corporate Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. The next time I went upstairs Rick Sanchez had apparently resurrected the elderly Georgia farmer-- he is definitely not dead-- and he and his wife were waxing poetic about the fabulousness of the Ms. Sherrod who Andrew Breitbart and his pack of lying right-wing hyenas had somehow persuaded Vilsack too sack. As of this writing Obama hasn't sacked Vilsack or even reinstated Mr. Sherrod. Reading Digby, one would think Obama is waiting for a call from Breitbart about what to do next.
"Her decision 'rightly or wrongly" will be called into question" because some right wing hitman put out an edited tape that makes her sound as if her point is the opposite of what it is, so she had to be fired.
They are telling wingnuts everywhere that all they have to do is gin up a phony controversy (especially about a black person, apparently) and the administration will fire them so as not to shake confidence that they are "fair service providers."
This is sheer cowardice.
We're going to have to be more careful about the character of the candidates we nominate for big jobs in the future. A blue t-shirt, a bunch of corporate cash and some kewl slogans just cannot be enough any longer. Which brings me to a column I read in the NY Times yesterday by David Itzkoff about Family Guy, or at least about an episode of the show that was banned by Fox. Partial Terms of Endearment was produced for the 2009-10 season, never shown and about to be released (also by Fox) as a stand-alone DVD, sure to make Murdoch plenty of money. Humor me for a moment and read the statement by the NAACP, which had backed Vilsack's moronic reaction to the Sherrod case:
The NAACP has a zero tolerance policy against racial discrimination, whether practiced by blacks, whites, or any other group.
The NAACP also has long championed and embraced transformation by people who have moved beyond racial bias. Most notably, we have done so for late Alabama Governor George Wallace and late US Senator Robert Byrd-- each a man who had associated with and supported white supremacists and their cause before embracing civil rights for all.
With regard to the initial media coverage of the resignation of USDA Official Shirley Sherrod, we have come to the conclusion we were snookered by Fox News and Tea Party Activist Andrew Breitbart into believing she had harmed white farmers because of racial bias.Having reviewed the full tape, spoken to Ms. Sherrod, and most importantly heard the testimony of the white farmers mentioned in this story, we now believe the organization that edited the documents did so with the intention of deceiving millions of Americans.
The fact is Ms. Sherrod did help the white farmers mentioned in her speech. They personally credit her with helping to save their family farm.
Moreover, this incident and the lesson it prompted occurred more than 20 years before she went to work for USDA.
Finally, she was sharing this account as part of a story of transformation and redemption. In the full video, Ms.Sherrod says she realized that the dislocation of farmers is about “haves and have nots.” "It’s not just about black people, it’s about poor people," says Sherrod in the speech. “We have to get to the point where race exists but it doesn’t matter.”
This is a teachable moment, for activists and for journalists.
Most Americans agree that racism has no place in American Society. We also believe that civil and human rights have to be measured by a single yardstick.
The NAACP has demonstrated its commitment to live by that standard.
The Tea Party Federation took a step in that direction when it expelled the Tea Party Express over the weekend. Unfortunately, we have yet to hear from other leaders in the Tea Party movement like Dick Armey and Sarah Palin, who have been virtually silent on the “internal bigotry” issue.
Next time we are confronted by a racial controversy broken by Fox News or their allies in the Tea Party like Mr. Breitbart, we will consider the source and be more deliberate in responding. The tape of Ms. Sherrod’s speech at an NAACP banquet was deliberately edited to create a false impression of racial bias, and to create a controversy where none existed. This just shows the lengths to which extremist elements will go to discredit legitimate opposition.
According to the USDA, Sherrod’s statements prompted her dismissal. While we understand why Secretary Vilsack believes this false controversy will impede her ability to function in the role, we urge him to reconsider.
I'm not sure how many teachable moments we need to understand cancers on the ass of American society like Andrew Breitbart and Fox broadcasting. But what does this all have to do with Family Guy?
The creator of the show, and the producer, is Seth MacFarlane and he didn't criticize Fox for refusing to air the Partial Terms of Endearment episode. Instead, he told the Times that the decision reveals more about mass audiences-- i.e., the American people (also voters, of course)-- than about the networks.
“People in America, they’re getting dumber,” Mr. MacFarlane said. “They’re getting less and less able to analyze something and think critically, and pick apart the underlying elements. And more and more ready to make a snap judgment regarding something at face value, which is too bad.”
Which makes even more chilling the decision of the Obama Administration to curry favor with the extreme right by taking out the budgeting to save 140,000 teachers' jobs in order to get Republicans to vote for another year of futile, catastrophic war in Afghanistan.
Maybe they can take a look at the context to which they were dancing Andrew Breitbart's racist tune and just fire Vilsack-- and then we can talk about the war after:
Labels: Breitbart, courageousness, cowardly Dems, Family Guy, Fox, Shirley Sherrod, Tom Vilsack
McFarlane is right. But instead of dummer, I'd say they are more and more ignorant. And the so-called media's job these days is to preserve and expand ignorance instead of finding and spreading information.
We've done it to ourselves, sadly. After all, what of our education system? Isn't that where we are supposed to develop adults who can think, reason and come to a reason conclusion given the information they have.
One day those who are raising and rousing the rabble will face the terrible swift sword of their anger. Perhaps one day soon.
When Obama stuck that flag on his lapel it should have told us something. The pander man.
This controversy tells me that the Obama Administration is far more willing to believe their enemies, and to support their agenda than to defend their friends. Haven't the dismal polls and compromising enough to destroy their agenda taught them anything? Republicans and conservatives want one thing: TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF ANYTHING PROGRESSIVE The sooner the Obama Administration realizes it and starts playing hardball the better. In fact, it is probably too late. Would have been nice to have gotten the change we voted for instead of all the Republican ass kissing that has just excerbated our problems.
"What Does The Shirley Sherrod Case Tell Us About Ourselves?"
It tells us that we voted for a piece of shit for president, and got one.
me said: so you think John McCain would have been better? At least we elected a caring person who, while maybe a little naive, has his heart in the right place. The forces aligned against him are the most evil, hateful mean spirited, racists, self righteous assholes who ever walked the earth short of the Third Reich. It is time "we take arms against a sea of trouble and by opposing end it", to quote Sarah Palin.
This whole controversy, when viewed from foreign eyes seems to illustrate but one point.
That even after electing a black president America show that it's racial wounds are still festering into a huge open sore.
The irony is that Americans have always been quick to condemn other countries for racism and lack of freedom.
Yet after slavery and a 300 year history of racial division, America still can't get it's own house in order.
The freedom and democracy which the west wants to import to Asia and the Middle east is badly flawed.
That the United States should lecture Darfur, Somalia, Iraq and the rest of the world on racial and ethnic harmony....while America is racially divided is hypocrisy.
The world doesn't need the United States to be lecturing on freedom, democracy and equal rights.
The Untied States needs to get it's own house in order before it goes wandering around the globe trying to export it's brand of "democracy" to the rest of the world.
Physician "heal thyself"
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