Saturday, July 17, 2010

Laurie Anderson-- Not An Expert... Much, Much More


When Laurie Anderson first released her groundbreaking O Superman in 1981 she was a sculptor, a performance artist and an art professor in her native Chicago. I was a dj at a college station, KUSF, in San Francisco, and could never play the song enough times to satisfy my listeners-- or myself. Years later we both wound up at Warner Bros and she hooked up with-- and later married-- my friend. So I got to meet Laurie. I was in as much awe of her then as I was when I was a college radio dj. Thursday Digby told me Laurie did a short B.P.-oriented version of Only an Expert from her new album, Homeland on the David Letterman Show. The version linked in the last sentence is a clip directed by David Bowie and it really is stupendous and I suggest you listen to it. The reason I posted the Letterman version up top is because of the... well, the B.P.-ness. Watch the Letterman version and then sit back and watch the Bowie version. What a way to start the weekend! In fact... I won't even make you hit the link. Here it is, in all its glory:

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At 7:56 AM, Blogger Dr. Tex Nology said...

already got my tix to see her at BAM on Sept.25. Can't wait.

At 10:02 AM, Anonymous mediabob said...

Thanks, Howie. Good stuff. I like how it makes me think back to what we did when we didn't have so many experts.

At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read a book but I can't remember the title but I remember the phrase "disabling professionals" true it all is.

Humanity is over specialized and that is what leads to species extinction.

The perfect example are the talking heads like George Will and Bill the bloody Cristal.


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