"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."
-- Sinclair Lewis
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Alan Grayson: A Warrior For Peace. Claire McCaskill: A Moron For Terminal Mediocrity
"I thought we had woken up from the nightmare of war but we didn't." That's Oliver Stone speaking in the clip that he made for Congressman Alan Grayson. You can watch it below. I thought I had woken up from the nightmare of Democrats as stupid and ill-meaning as Republicans but I didn't. I stopped "following" Claire McCaskill (D-MO) on Twitter, almost immediately after I started following her and realized she's as patently worthless as her twittery colleague Chuck Grassley (R-IA).
I wonder if term limits-- one term and back to a real job-- would solve the problem of politicians being responsive to the corporate elites instead of to the voters. I doubt it but I'd be willing to give it a shot if it meant getting rid of a political class that prostrates itself daily before its Big Business godhead.
Of the 535 men and women in the House and Senate, I doubt there are two dozen worth keeping. I know for sure there's one who is though: Alan Grayson (D-FL). Will we ever find any as good? We're trying at Blue America and I'd bet on candidates like Doug Tudor, Bill Hedrick, Billy Kennedy, Justin Coussoule, Jim Wilson and that Segal kid, but with Obama turning out to be such a colossal disappointment for so many people, a more salient question at this point might be: can we even hold on to Grayson! If you're on your way to church this morning, say a prayer for his reelection. And instead of sending your money off to the Vatican-- or to a fund for hiring male hookers or paying lawyers and p.r. hacks to get pastors out of trouble-- please consider making a donation towards Grayson's campaign fund. Grayson was one of only 32 Democrats who stood up to Obama's request for a disgraceful supplemental war budget last year. Not only is he still fighting that fight, it now looks like the American public is catching up with him (even if clowns like McCaskill aren't). A Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International last week shows a massive turn-around in support for the pointless war in Afghanistan. Obama's disapproval rating in terms of his handling of the war has gone from 27% in February to an unsustainable 53% now. And a very large plurality of Americans (46%) now understand we are losing this war.
As for McCaskill and Oliver Stone... he's worth two five dozen of her, although that's a personal observation that not everyone with informed opinions-- on Stone and/or McCaskill-- believes. I haven't seen South of the Border yet but something tells me that Oliver Stone's insight into Hugo Chavez is going to be quite a bit more reality based-- and enlightening-- than the twittering idiot from Rolla.
Ah, written like someone who's never actually met the wonderment that is Oliver Stone. From someone that has (unfortunately): you can have him. While he's a passable filmmaker, he's not the greatest human being, and definitely someone I'll be keeping away from my teenage daughter.
You are absolutely right about the current decay of the American congress. As aptly written multiple times here, without campaign reform, leeches such as [insert random congressman's name here with 95% certainty] will continue to rule the country against its own interests, especially now where corporations have equal 1st amendment rights.
I will have to respectably disagree on one major point. Hugo Chavez is not the saint so many believe or want to believe he is. I find that many MSM reports about him are more accurate than those posted on progressive sites. Just because he speaks as if he was defending the common people doesn't mean squat. Good analogy, Obama speaks progressive, doesn't mean squat either.
Responding to the term limits myth: "I wonder if term limits-- one term and back to a real job-- would solve the problem of politicians being responsive to the corporate elites instead of to the voters." The california expierence indicates the reverse happpens. Try term limiting lobbyists instead.
heh, great post!
Nancy Willing
Ah, written like someone who's never actually met the wonderment that is Oliver Stone. From someone that has (unfortunately): you can have him. While he's a passable filmmaker, he's not the greatest human being, and definitely someone I'll be keeping away from my teenage daughter.
You are absolutely right about the current decay of the American congress. As aptly written multiple times here, without campaign reform, leeches such as [insert random congressman's name here with 95% certainty] will continue to rule the country against its own interests, especially now where corporations have equal 1st amendment rights.
I will have to respectably disagree on one major point. Hugo Chavez is not the saint so many believe or want to believe he is. I find that many MSM reports about him are more accurate than those posted on progressive sites. Just because he speaks as if he was defending the common people doesn't mean squat. Good analogy, Obama speaks progressive, doesn't mean squat either.
Being a U.S. Senator should have been a clue that Claire McCaskill was utterly worthless.
Responding to the term limits myth:
"I wonder if term limits-- one term and back to a real job-- would solve the problem of politicians being responsive to the corporate elites instead of to the voters." The california expierence indicates the reverse happpens. Try term limiting lobbyists instead.
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