Former Florida Congressional Candidate Spills The Beans On The DCCC

I didn't know Carol McLean when she was a congressional candidate in Mark Foley's old district, FL-16, but I just did a search of her name here at DWT and came up with one mention of a race that the DCCC ruthlessly cleared the field for their candidate, a Rahm Emanuel-recruited Republican sex predator, Tim Mahoney, who spent his entire one term in office voting with the GOP and then got caught in a sex scandal and was defeated in what turned out to be an otherwise major Democratic year. Carol, from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party, wrote eloquently about her experience as a Democratic candidate the DCCC deep-sixed in favor of the Republican predator.
She talked about how the DCCC had recruited Mahoney, still a wealthy-- and lame-brained, corrupt and stinking from shady business practices-- Republican to run for Foley's seat (at a time when Emanuel, who never reported it to the police, knew Foley was sexually preying on underage congressional pages).
I too had gotten a call from DC, as did David Lutrin, about the election. However, it wasn't to ask me to run-- it was to ask me to drop out. When I inquired why, they told me that they already had a good candidate (Mahoney) who had $2 million to put into his campaign. They asked me how much I had. Well, if I counted the $5 McDonalds coupon in my wallet, it came to exact $13. I was going to raise my funds by grassroots. They scoffed that off, and told me they would not back me. Fine! However, as a person who has been a member of the Democratic Party longer than Mahoney's seven weeks, I was still going to run-- with or without them. I added that I was unaware that the elections were limited to only rich candidates. Congress is already filled with rich, good old boys ... And they've gotten us to where we are today. Perhaps its time to vote in the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker... and the teacher.
I turned to David Lutrin who was beaming at this point, and said, you people know that Mr. Lutrin and I are both teachers. You know how we earn our money, and you know how much we make. I don't know what Internet finance is, but I know that mainstream America doesn't have millions, and that these rich good old boys are so far detached from mainstream America that they have no idea how we live... The rich good old boys passed CAFTA to outsource our jobs to Central and South America. They have us import our food from Mexico, why won't they let us import our medicines from Canada? …Because the rich good old boys run the pharmaceutical companies.
But this post was meant to be about 2006. It's about 2010. Yesterday I ran into Carol and we wound up exchanging horror stories about the DCCC. Right now they are attempting to do to Doug Tudor just what they did to her and Dave Lutrin. In 2006 the reactionary they pushed was Tim Mahoney. This year it's Lori Edwards, an even worse candidate who bragged in a fundraising letter yesterday that "we have been designated a "Top Target" by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee! She claims it was because of all the money she brought in, but that money was given to her by the Blue Dogs and at a fundraiser given by sleazy Florida Democrats Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Allen Boyd at a DC lobbyist firm. Here's an invitation (in case you weren't invited):

Today Carol shared with me an exchange of letters with DCCC Executive Director Jon Vogel. Since I don't have his permission, I won't publish his defensive letter to Carol. But I do want to share her final letter to him (with her permission, of course):
At least the DSCC has the decency not to keep hitting me up for money. But I'll forward my earlier email to them too.
The DCCC feigns support for the Democratic congressional candidates but that's not what really happens, is it? Here's my personal experience:
In 2006 I ran for US Congress in Florida #16 as a Democrat. David Lutrin, a good and decent family man and a true Democrat also ran for the same seat as a Democrat against me. Mark Foley held the position-- but after I decided to run the Foley scandal came to light. That's when the DCCC got involved, when Foley vacated the seat. When we went to meet with the DCCC in Washington DC, Rahm Emmanuel agreed to meet with us only if we didn't get "pushy."
The DCCC Chairman asked me how I was going to raise funds for my election. I told them it would be a grassroots campaign since I was just a school teacher. He told me directly that the DCCC didn't believe in grassroots, wouldn't support a grassroots, and that I had to have $250,000 in my war chest before they would even consider me a candidate.
Although DFA was very supportive, apparently neither Lutrin nor I were viable candidates in the eye of the DCCC. So Rahm, along with Nancy Pelosi told David and me to clear the field for their chosen candidate. They said he was a millionaire and had $2 million to put in to the campaign. I asked "if I have $3 million does that make me a better candidate?" They missed my sarcasm. "Do you have $3 million?"
My response was, "No, I just wanted to see how much you charge me to run for office."
This guy, Tim Mahoney, was perfect in that he was rich. In fact he was not a liberal or progressive; he was not pro-union, he was anti-choice... HE WASN'T EVEN A DEMOCRAT!! But Rahm and Nancy wined and dined this guy, convinced him to run and took him down to file his papers for candidacy. But first, they asked him to make one small change... they said he really should quit the GOP and join the Democratic party. He joined that morning and filed that afternoon. He was a "Blue Dog" ... nice name for Republican in Democrat's clothing. I assume you know the rest of the story. How many ladies did he have sex with and get pregnant? That's his family values? He voted with the Republicans. He got thrown out of office. His wife divorced him and cleaned out his millions (good for her!) and the Republicans got the seat in Congress back in 2008.
Good job, DCCC!!
I am now with a support group that mentors neophyte Congressional candidates and tries to raise money for them when the DCCC won't. We want the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker in Congress. You can keep the Mahoneys and the other bums.
Carol McLean
And here they are doing it in Florida again, this time trying to strong arm Doug Tudor's allies and past supporters into endorsing their vile and reactionary Blue Dog. We can't let them keep getting away with this kind of behavior. I doubt anyone who reads this blog gives money to the DCCC or its equally reprehensible anti-grassroots sister organizations, the DSCC and the DNC. But spread the word; tell your friends and please consider donating to real deal progressives instead of Insider hacks. Give to Dog Tudor and other non-DCCC candidates and Send the Democratic Party a Message It Can Understand.
Labels: Blue Dogs, DCCC, Doug Tudor, reactionary Democrats, Tim Mahoney
Between the Supremes yesterday and this today I feel my head exploding.My new biz requires Twitter time and I am seeing hopelessness and despair over multiple events that have unfolded this week. Just saw a tweet from one of my favorite journalists saying he was considering watching adorable kids on youtube to make it through the day..
Thanks for all you do...
Across the country, you'll find similar stories from Democrats who stepped up and were shot down. This is the legacy of Rahm and Co., and this is why we wind up with things like the Stupak amendment and other Blue Dog gifts.
Yes, the Supremes have opened a potential flood of anti-progressive dollars and yes, without immediate action by Congress we're probably screwed. But I'd still rather go down fighting with people who know what they stand for and who they represent than cling to a phantom "majority" filled with DINOs.
I'm collecting those stories and hope to publish lots of them so people really start understanding that the DCCC is as much an enemy of progressive governance as the Republicans are.
We all know that this is how it is with the DCCC, but to see the words in black and white yet again is unnerving. Add that to the horrible decision made by the Supreme Court yesterday and our democracy is in true shambles.
In the CD-12 race we have a chance to make a great change with Doug Tudor, he is a leader that we so desperately need I hope that after reading this everyone will make their next move to be to donate to him. Let’s show the DCCC where the real power lies!
So let me get this straight. You need $250,000 for the DCCC to take you seriously. But, Lori Edwards, after an entire year (she announced in February), Has $77,000. No wonder my friend at the DCCC said they are just using her to keep the Rethugs thinking.
I was reading on Kos today that she dropped out of a Congressional race once before. I wonder if she will do that after she realizes she is being used.
Go Doug!
How can Rahm Emanuael know the local issues in Florida's District-16; and presume to choose a candidate to address those issues?
I ran for the Florida state Senate in 2006 as the Democratic Candidate opposing state Senator Ken Pruitt (R) St. Lucie. Pruitt was the President of the 40-member state Senate -- that position made him the second most powerul politician in the state. I focused on Pruitt's reckless disregard for the heightened risk of a terrorist attack on nuclear power plants located in S.E. Florida -- two of those reactors are located in his town at St. Lucie.
Congressional District 16 overlaps state Senate District-28. Pruitt spent $641 thousand on the general election. I raised $1,593. Remarkably, I got 46.1% of the vote in the Palm Beach County portion of the district thatcomprised one third of District-28. Overall I got 38.3%. Prutt never had a Democrat oppose him since 1998.
I was completely ignored by the regular Democratic organization. The only support I received was a $75 check from the Martin County Democratic Club.
At forums I attended and spoke at, Tim Mahoney completely ignored me. On one occasion I was seated at a table with Republican Congressman Clay Shaw -- and he was most congenial. Tom Foley tried to cozy up to my 16-year old grandson at two of the candidate forums we attended -- before Foley withdrew from the campaign.
My purpose of running against Pruitt was to create public awareness that the official 9/11 Commission Report revealed that the initial conceptualization of the Al Queda Plot was to hijack 10-12 aircraft and target nuclear power plants. Southeast Florida has 80% of the state's nuclear powerplants -- one at St. Lucie and the other at Turkey Point (24-miles south of Miami.) The distance between the two plants is 135 miles.
Remarkably, Mohammed Atta and several of the 9/11 terrorists were living in Delray Beach -- equidistant between the two nuclear plant sites. Obviously, they were scouting out the nuclear plants. Mahoney never addressed the issue -- he usually spoke before I did and left without hearing what I had to say on the subject. By his acquiesence I assume Mahoney was pro-nuclear.
On April 12th, 2010 I filed a Statement of Candidacy with the F.E.C. to run for Congress in District-16. I was unaware at the time that David Lutrin was to become a candidate within a few days.
The purposeof running in District-16 is to contest the Republican incumbent, Tom Rooney -- debate Rooney and possibly defeat him. Naturally, I will meet with David Lutrin and discuss with him who can effectively challenge Rooney.
As an atomic veteran I propose to challenge Rooney on an issue concerning maltreatment and malpractice related to compensation and medical care of military veterans. The VA has been privatized in a manner similar to outsourcing services that the government should be performing. Check out QTC Management, Inc on Google. And, check Spectrum Equity Investors. A financial firm has it's hooks into the evaluation and examination process of the VA. Connect the dots there and you'll get some insight as to how George W. Bush's old buddies are still milking the system and screwing the troops. Pretty much like FEMA did in New Orleans; and, Haliburton in Iraq.
Unfortunately, I don't believe that David Lutrin can win over military veterans and their families in dislodging Rooney from the District-16 Congressional seat.
Last note: Chris Mathews ran for Congress, years back, and took no financial contributions.
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