Visions of Sugar Plums; or, Have yourselves a merry-ish Christmas

by Noah
What would Christmas be without great Christmas tunes like these?
LOIS LYNN: "Every Christmas We Know" (1956)

This is one damn surreal, Twin Peaks-ish Christmas tune, sung by the dead girl, of course. Warning: Clear the room of sharp objects. There's nothing like a minor-key dirge to the most joyous of holidays! If Morrissey ever makes a Christmas CD, he should cover this one.
FRANKLIN MacCORMACK: "I Like Christmas" (1950s)
[promotional record given by Chicago Federal Savings and Loan Assn.]

[For more information about Franklyn, including album covers from his classic LPs The Torch Is Burning, An Evening With Franklyn MacCormack, and Another Evening With Franklyn MacCormack, visit here.]
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