The Bloody Hand Of $enator Ben Nel$on

-by NOAH
Nebraska $enator Ben Nelson is apparently either unfamiliar with the Constitutional concept of Separation of Church and State, disdains it, or both. That said, the concept was and is a key building block of what this country is supposed to be about. It is a part of what makes us different than much of the 18th century Europe that we fought so hard to divorce ourselves from. Would the likes of Ben Nelson and his ilk have hung around with General George Washington for that horrible winter in Valley Forge. I doubt it. No, he more likely would have been parking his fat butt in front of a nice warm fire with the rest of the mercenary Hessians fighting for the British. What happened to them, Ben?
It is $enator Ben Nelson who came up with the idea of turning over his anti-choice health care amendment to the Catholic Church (in the form of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops) for approval and donations this past week. This attempt to erode a woman’s rights, like fighting for equal pay for equal work or even a woman’s right to vote or even go to law school is typical Republican agenda mongering. But, submitting the language of his hateful amendment to the Catholic Church for approval? Now just imagine if some other cretinous $enator decided that they would pass their amendments over to a group of Muslim Imams for review before their amendments went to a vote. Would the media be as silent as they are now? There is no difference. Check this out from the Congressional Quarterly:
“Ben Nelson hardened his stance on abortion language Thursday, stating he would not vote for a health care overhaul unless the bill’s proposed restrictions on insurance coverage for abortions are tightened. [Though] he had said earlier in the week that abortion language was not a make or break proposition in the debate.”
Nelson says he’ll join the Repug filibuster if he and his Catholic Church masters don’t get their way. Jeez. Thanks Ben. 20,000 living. breathing citizens are dying a year due to inadequate health care and decent insurance coverage and you’d just let them die. That’s over 6 times the amount of citizens Bin Laden killed on 9/11. Does that warm your cold dead heart? Why don’t you just go on a road trip now and personally kill all of them yourself? I know. So little time, so many graves to spit on. Like a true coward, you won’t do it with a gun or a knife. You’ll do it from afar with a pen. I didn’t even mention the tens of thousands of your fellow citizens who won’t be dying but will be suffering painfully every year because of the actions of you and vermin just like you. You and your buddy Orrin Hatch, he of the Exorcist book, are so petty about this amendment that you held it up because he wanted the amendment to list HIS name first. God, you people are juvenile AND insane. Nebraska is the corn husker state. Go home and pay a visit to the Children Of The Corn. I'm sure they'll know what to do with you.
I guess in Ben Nelson’s unconstitutional anti-American mind, he sees a beautiful future where Presidents give the State of The Union address with the VP, the House Speaker and a Bishop or Cardinal sitting on the dais behind them, with full control of the speech of course. It’s odd how things have changed in our country. Back during the 1960 campaign, conservatives were all up in arms about the fact that a Catholic named John Kennedy was running for President and that this was a dangerous thing because, in their weirdo minds, The Vatican would be calling the shots if JFK won. Wasn’t having K Street writing our legislation bad enough? Think about it: Multi-nationals and Rome ruling our lives by creating the policies and laws we have to live under. Thanks Ben. Why not turn us back over to the inbred British Royals too? People actually voted for this clown?
Labels: Ben Nelson, church-state separation
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