Sunday, November 01, 2009

Speaking of the Crap Christian Right: Is it possible to be too stupid even to be guilty of hypocrisy?


(As you can see, the YouTube head is a lie)

Are the nutters really so stupid that they don't
know what's truly meant to offend them?

by Ken

We all find ourselves on e-mail lists from the Other Side -- the Dark Side, the Utterly Loony Side -- and it's usually more trouble than it's worth trying to get off. (Not to mention, does one really want to make contact with those people?) Earlier this week I was privileged to receive such a communication from a crypto-journalist who chronicles the outrages of us lefties. This week he was in a high state of outrage over a moment from last week's Curb Your Enthusiasm episode. That's right, ladies and gints, the nutters have seen the enemy, and it's, uh, Larry David???

I could be wrong, but I think that our earnest nuttier was claiming that in a scene in the episode Larry urinated on a bible. If so, he was totally detached from reality. ("Quelle surprise," as certain Old Europeans might say.) Today I finally watched the episode, which is hilarious, and the simple fact is that absolutely nothing is "urinated on." What happens is that, because Larry's drug-conditioned urinary flow is now achieving rocketlike potency, a drop splashes rocketlike out of the john and up onto a cheesy image of Jesus posted on the bathroom wall right beside the john, such that the residents think it's a miracle: Jesus weeps!

The reason I'm assuming my nuttier says that Larry urinates on a bible is the form his withering outrage takes: Can you imagine the outrage if there were a depiction of urinating on a Koran? And surely he couldn't be suggesting any sort of equivalence between a tacky fake-Jesus picture and a Koran, could he? Could he???

So you get the train of the outrage, right? Christian religious artifacts, says our nuttier, can be violated without consequence, whereas the slightest disrespect shown to a Muslim holy book would bring down, well, I don't know, the wrath of Allah?

Every time I think my mind can't be more boggled than the Doodyhead Right has already managed, I'm set up for further boggling. This loon has got the whole thing backwards. After all, here he is screaming bloody murder over absolutely nothing, while the fact is that he and his evil Crap Christian hypocrite zealots not only wouldn't care if a Koran was defiled, they would cheer.

For God's sake (and I hope He's listening in on the bullshit being slung in His name), does this moron truly not recognize his own reference to urinating on a Koran. For once in his fervid pursuit of snares and delusions, he's not making something up. He's remembering one of the categories of behavior we were (too reliably) informed was perpetrated in our names by our representatives in the torture halls of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo?

Well, maybe the chump really doesn't recognize it. Consider just how hard lying sacks of ignorant doody like him have to work to block out all vestiges of reality from intruding on their lack-of-consciousness. They still will refuse to deal with the illegal as well as immoral behavior committed in their name under the watch of those agents of Satan Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, and not even God can make them.

Of course, what this fulminating asshole doesn't seem to notice (again, I only glanced at his screed) is that the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode is far from harmless in its view of the Crap Christian corporate enterprise. It's being suggested that the poor sad people who are the victims of the Crap Christian wizards in fancy dress are so abject, so beyond hope or help, that they actually tack fake-Jesus images on the wall beside their johns, and then believe their lives have been touched -- finally! -- by grace when all it is is an errant splash of urine.

In other words, with a certain amount of pity as well as derision, Larry seems to think those people are even more abject than he regularly portrays himself.


As a matter of fact, I loved that Curb Your Enthusiasm episode. As Larry and Jerry Seinfeld work on their supposed Seinfeld reunion show, while neither of them seems (at least yet) to have slipped fully into spontaneous conversation, we are getting our first direct glimpses of the mind-meld that produced Seinfeld. Fabulous! On to tonight's episode!

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At 9:43 PM, Blogger drosdin said...

You obviously don't understand the Right. They absolutely have not forgotten what happened at Gitmo. In fact, they used it in this case to feed their persecution complex (believe it or not).

This is how they think: Hollywood is full of "liberals." If it's on TV it's "Hollywood." To them, us "liberals" stood up for the religious freedoms of our "enemies," but at the same time have the gall to assault their religion by making fun (comedy) of the act of desecrating one of their religious icons. It's a case of "fine, if that was so bad, why isn't this bad as well?"

They deliberately changed the item "desecrated" in the comedy skit to be the bible to set up a direct correlation between the this skit, and is perception as comedy by "liberals", and the acts at Gitmo that were considered outrages. By making it basically the same thing (the act of desecrating a holy book, one real one a distortion of a simulation), and showing the different ways that "liberals" view it, they are attempting to show that the "liberals" are the hypocrites... that it's and OK thing to do to Christian items when it isn't OK to do to Muslim items. Their audience sees it in this light.

At a certain level, they have a point. Though a more valid comparison would have been a comparison of the skit to the depiction of Mohammad in Danish cartoons.

This is not to justify the distortion of the facts, or the hypocrisy that is often seen from them. However, to be above reproach in this regard we have to be consistent. Either the desecration of religious items is a laughing matter or it isn't. Urine on the face of a picture of Mohammed would cause a riot by those who believe. We would also have to expect that urine on the face of Jesus would similarly cause people who believe to be outraged.

We should be respectful of their beliefs in both cases. Not silencing the authors of course, as free speech must win out, but we can at least understand why they would be upset.

At 9:59 PM, Blogger KenInNY said...

Lots of good thinking, D, and thanks. But no, I don't see any reason to show the slightest respect to the "beliefs" of people who make a fetish of worshipping crappy, moronic fake-Jesus images while desecrating Jesus's actual teachings in every way they can.


At 10:48 PM, Blogger drosdin said...


I understand where you're coming from. We're all products of a society that feels that respect is earned, and not just given. Basic respect from one human being to anther, just because they're human beings, and courtesy are generally dead concepts.

But, you'll never have a chance to convince them that what happened at Gitmo was wrong as long as they think you're out to get them. The only way to reach them is to lessen the tensions, which isn't going to happen until one side or the other actually starts living according to their beliefs. The more antagonistic you are the more entrenched they become, and the harder it is for those of us who are trying to bring them around.

(disclaimer, I'm not Christian, and generally lean Left in my political positions)


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