Catholics Have The Power-- Tony Alamo Gets 175 Years In Prison For Doing Routine Catholic Priest Stuff

First, don't get me wrong about Tony Alamo. 175 years in prison? I'd have been just as happy with 375 years... although I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of wasting taxes on keeping these monsters fed, housed, clothed and guarded. Sometimes this pro-life crap just goes too far. I mean, for what reason are we keeping this man alive? Is he going to become rehabilitated and get out in 100 years-- he's be 175 years old in 100 years and they'd let him out for good behavior by then-- and invent a vaccine that cures right-wing extremism? Anyway, I'm straying. Yesterday, we looked at another bunch of scam artists mooching off hardworking people and living high on the hog, a criminal operation known as the Roman Catholic Church.
They have a lot more wealth and power than a sloppy sex maniac like Alamo. Their crimes against children go all the way back to a time when people who didn't want to work and who wanted sexual access to children invented "religious" organizations and religionism. Alamo is an evangelical who "had abused his status as father figure and pastor and threatened the girls with 'the loss of their salvation.'” He had been molesting young girls-- like really young (like 8 years old)-- and calling them his brides. He denied having ever done anything wrong and referred to the judge and the witnesses and his detractors as "the deceived people in the world." But he made the wrong gamble when he went for the Evangelical franchise instead of the Roman Catholic one. The Catholics would probably have shuffled him around, maybe to another country-- even the Vatican-- and salvaged his body if not his soul. There p.r. and cover-up operations are the envy of every corrupt corporation in the world. And governments have been complicit in bolstering them from the time of Constantine-- who personally knew they were a joke but realized he could use them to get his recruits to fight better. Even here in America, they pay no taxes. And there's a whole political party that thinks the whole power structure should be turned over to them.
As we mentioned earlier in the week, while the religionist prejudices of the entire GOP and 64 Democrats (almost all of them arch-reactionaries like John Barrow, Dan Boren, Parker Griffith, Chris Carney, Heath Shuler and Jim Marshall) were cavalierly jeopardizing the health of American women, the Senate was plotting to transfer tax dollars into another religionist boondoggle: the Church of Christ, Scientist. An unlikely tag team of Orrin Hatch and John Kerry (whose state hosts the Christian Science world headquarters)-- both of whom have been paid handsomely by the immensely powerful Mayer Brown lobbying firm-- is insisting that Christian Science voodoo sessions be included as reimbursable in the Health Care Reform bill.
You think we'll ever see a video like this for a Pope?
Let's keep religion out of government; please sign the petition!
Labels: Hypocrisy, Religionist bigotry
You are so right! Have you seen this article? It just about made me sick to my stomach.,0,3335491.story
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