Comedy Tonight: Meet "Crankster, the Anti-Social Site for Networking"

by Ken
Since I always seem to be touting the way things were done by somebody or other at some time in the past as better than the way anybody's doing them now, I'm pleased to be able to opine that we may be living now in the era of the all-time greatest New Yorker cartoonist, the great Roz Chast.
Over the decades, our Roz has made it fairly clear that she's not exactly a social butterfly, nor apt to be tapped as Ms. Congeniality. So it's not surprising to find that hers is the mad genius behind "Crankster, the Anti-Social Site for Networking," in the current (Nov. 2) issue. I haven't seen the magazine itself -- it'll probably be in my mailbox when I get home. These samples come from a six-image slide show posted on the website as "selected images from."
I only wish I could brandish this next time some well-meaning person tells me I really ought to be FaceBooking or Twittering or whatever it is we're expected to be doing now.

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