Saturday, August 22, 2009

If God Loved The Poor People He Wouldn't Let Them Get Sick


Some people really do want to have an overarching need to preserve the status quo and guarantee the power of elites trumps pesky concepts like democracy. Otherwise why would there be a Republican Party or Blue Dogs? Billionaires For Wealthcare has the best explanation ever.

Do you think it's related to this? (I know you do; otherwise you wouldn't be at DWT right now):

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At 9:15 AM, Blogger Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

God truly loves the poor. Else he wouldn't have made so many of us, them...

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Jesus healed the sick, how much was the co-pay?

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Seana Sperling said...

Yay for Michael Moore. I wish he would make a film about all the abuses our fascist Capitalist country is facing.

See below:

Overview--Mobbing aka Organized Harassment (street name Gang stalking) is a symptom of a nation in the throes of being taken over by a totalitarian system. The U.S. has undergone a horrific transformation, yet the public is too busy texting and watching reality TV to recognise it. The EQ of the American public has dropped exponentially and not kept up with the advances of technology. As a result, civil rights are terribly abused with the new technology.


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