How The Right Turned The Heath Care Town Halls Into Media Circuses And Teabagger Sessions

Chuckie the Clown (R-IA)- $2,031,729 from the Medical Industrial Complex

It's not just sociopaths in tri-corner hats with teabags hanging from them who are howling at the TV cameras about ObamaCare and socialism who are perverting the meaning of participatory democracy. And it isn't just right-wing propagandists like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh either. Even cowardly conservative senators, afraid of being primaried by the lunatic fringe, are now spreading the lies about Obama wanting to kill your granny.
Take the reaction to the town-hall meetings taking place across the country. Many people are worried about their health care and a few are responding in unacceptable ways. But Democrats are portraying the opposition as an "angry mob" using, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer wrote in a USA Today op-ed, "un-American" tactics. Mr. Obama's "Organizing for America," a political group founded by the president to mobilize supporters, dismisses critics as tools of "insurance companies... stirring up fear with false rumors," without presenting a shred of evidence to back up the charge.
The leaders of the angry mob are reveling in this and have learned their lessons well. They are the victims of Hoyer and Pelosi and Obama-Hitler and the dupes with the tri-corner hats insist no insurance companies are paying them to walk around telling and screaming. No doubt. They say they're just ordinary Americans and they resent being called "tools" and "angry mobs." They love being victims though; that's their natural comfort zone. Harry Reid's frustration-laden comments about evil-mongers plays right into their hands. Are, as he claimed, "lies, innuendo and rumor," being used to drown out rational debate? Well, of course; that's the whole fucking idea. But the dupes in the tri-corner hats don't know that. They don't know they're being used by the insurance CEOs-- who they will tell you they actually hate! Brian Baird's (D-WA) town hall meeting was disrupted by a gang of teabaggers whose goal was simple: disruption. He gave them a bonus when he said they were “lynch mob mentality” and exhibiting quasi "Brownshirt tactics." Now they can whine about how they're being victimized by elites. And, of course, this is manna from Heaven for the mass media-- and not just for the GOP's own Fox News but also for relatively legitimate media like CNBC, which was caught yesterday trying to drum up a riot with some of the teabagger groups for their TV cameras. And now they can whine that the fascist secret police are arresting them for exercizing their constitutional rights.
I mentioned the other day that when the Pasadena Patriots tried drowning out Adam Schiff at his town hall meeting and keeping him from conducting a dialogue with thousands of his constituents, most of whom were not teabagging imbeciles, one of their favorite chants was the nationally popular, "Read the bill." Schiff had, of course, and they hadn't-- although they're all carrying around a ridiculous teabagger version of the bill that insists ACORN and the SEIU will get to decide who lives and who dies under ObamaCare. Another congressman who has read every single word of the bill is New York's Eric Massa, who has been conducting hugely successful, teabagger-proof town halls all over his upstate New York district. His GOP opponent next year, right-wing nut and Corning Mayor Tom Reed, an anti-health care zealot, admitted that he would rather not waste his time actually reading the health insurance reform bill before deciding that he’s against it. Rachel Maddow summed up much of the national farce on her show last night:
Labels: Chuck Grassley, Rachel Maddow, teabaggers
So why would healthcare even be an issue?
For the same reason that the government is allowed to fund police departments, fire departments, sewer systems, education, the VA, Medicare, and plenty of other things: just because it wasn't laid down in the Constitution doesn't mean it's forbidden. Laws are re-interpreted to allow for changing conditions. Been that for a very long time, in any nation that manages to last more than a blink of an eye.
One difference between Massa and other congress critters is that he actually has principles.
Yes, he's read the bill. Absolutely. HR3200.
Politico report on a Massa town hall
~And when people complained — more than once — that members of Congress should have to enroll in whatever public health plan that would be created, Massa told them that he has refused to take the congressional health care package until the millions without insurance get coverage. (Massa receives health benefits as a veteran).
Massa told the crowd that he would vote against the bill in its current form — a statement that drew wide applause — but he also tried hard to dispel some of the myths about the House bill.~~(end of snip)
Massa is an advocate of single payer, and he campaigned on this issue.
1)He's read the bill
2)He didn't take the congressional health care package.
3)And, he's keeping steadfast to what he said in his campaign re: single payer.
Makes him a pretty unusual congress critter.
And, this YouTube references an earlier townhall. But, THIS is Eric- no wonder he could make the townhalls work.
Eric Massa on TV- 5 minute snip- a YouTube of Massa on this issue.
Foxwood: Because it isn't 1776 and we now have 350 million in America instead of a few hundred thousand. Everyone needs health care stupid.
Provide for the general welfare. What could be clearer. We spend 500+ billion to provide for common defense but the welfare of our citizens should be left to chance I suppose.
The monopoly game we have been playing is not getting the results we need. Besides, we know who won.
Eliminate debt. We don't owe the Sun.
Redesign the future to work for everyone.
Fuck the Federalist papers. Quit living in the past. Madison never heard of DNA or an electron.
whitecollargreenspaceguy said...
The Government already has the funds to pay for Universal Health Care. It is time to stop the madness and violence at the health care reform meetings. Using shift work for white collar jobs could cut the cost of the 500 million square feet of office space currently in used by the federal governe=ment by up to 50%. This would save enough money to provide universal health care. It could also reduce the carbon footprint by 50%. For details go to:
Now featured on under the heading:
"Using Shift work for white collar jobs to greatly reduce the fiscal and environmental cost of new office space"
When you need to fake grass roots participation in town hall meetings and press conferences rent human look a likes from Astro Turf Fighters Robotic Rentals.
whitecollaretc.: You start working shifts you ass hole. We are supposed to be up during the day and sleep at night. I am sure you would like to do the opposite. we have enough sleep deprived people now we don't need more. I have a better idea send 70% of them home since they don't do anything of value anyway and close the buildings altogether that would save even more. and don't forget to send them their checks so they can bye the things they want and need. then they would have time to laugh and play and take care of their children. Half of the sickness is caused by working for a bunch of ass holes and getting all stressed out. This could be eliminated.
You do have a point here :) I admire the stuff you post and the quality information you offer in your blog! Keep up the good work dude. Please come visit my site Indiana when you got time.
Me and my friend were arguing about an issue similar to this! Now I know that I was right. lol! Thanks for the information you post. Please come visit my site Indiana when you got time.
So now that Grassley has given Obama what is the essentially the finger while laughing, showing that he not only had no desire to compromise (as if there was any doubt) but also was going to embrace the wingnut loons, is the word going to be put out to dump him from so-called "bipartisan" efforts? Or close down Baucus' foot-dragging efforts?
Or is Harry the Paper Tiger going to waggle his mouth in public again, badmouthing senators for negotiating in bad faith, and reenter those same negotiations in 24-48 hours?
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