Thursday, July 09, 2009

"Nothing wrong with a little free market incentive to deny people health care in exchange for profit…"


The Middleman
[Click to enlarge]

by Ken

Or as Howard Dean put it talking to Keith Olbermann on Countdown Monday night, "This is a battle between the insurance companies and the American people."

Note that the Lower Hudson Valley's Journal News has its London-born editorial cartoonist, Matt Davies, post his cartoons (which you'll note are somewhat unusual in having titles) on a blog on its website with a brief explanatory note about each! Obviously an editorial cartoon doesn't need explanation or amplification, or it's one suckitacious cartoon. Still, it's neat to have a tiny extra glimpse into the artist's thought process.

Yesterday I added this cartoon of Matt's --

Above And, Um, Beyond
[Click to enlarge]

to Howie's post about the political decline of America's Princess. Matt's blog note for this cartoon was:
Sheesh. Every so often, a situation arises wherein the cartoonist wonders how you draw a cartoon about something already so ludicrously cartoonish? Sarah Palin became famous for, among other things, shooting at stuff that didn’t stand a chance -- from helicopters, so here you go…

His note for the cartoon "The Middleman" above:

"Nothing wrong with a little free market incentive to deny people health care in exchange for profit…"

This one's for you, Dr. Dean! Note that I am standing by the position I announced last night:

From now on, no one should be allowed to participate in any way in the drafting of health care legislation without proving that they've read Dr. Dean's book, Howard Dean's Prescription for REAL Healthcare Reform. Proof that they've understood it would be nice too, but that may be beyond the reach of proof.


We have a proper post coming up at the next regular posting time, 10am PT/1pm ET [oops, these are the correct times; it kind of defeated the purpose of giving them to give them wrong] -- yes, Howie has more to say about health care reform denier Sen. Blanche Lincoln!

Note that on the subject of health care reform I got some stuff off my chest last night (including the above quote from Howard Dean on Countdown), and later Howie added an 11pm PT post (well, remember, halfway around the world it was already today yesterday) on the Indonesian election.

By the way, now that you know Howie's traveling, don't forget to check for entries on his Around the World blog. [Note: The link should be good now. Just goes to show that a person really ought to be asleep in bed at the hour when the original version of this post was done.]

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At 6:30 AM, Anonymous Jacqrat said...

hey ken, around the world link is bad...

At 6:54 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

Whoa, thanks, Jacqui! Should be OK now.

(I know I did actually dig up the link, but apparently I then forgot to INSERT it, and when you do that, our lovely software "helpfully" makes it up.)

For future reference, if you just type in "" (as opposed to relying on my links), you'll get there!

Thanks again--



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