The unraveling begins for Governor Mark
Our indefatigable colleague Pam of Pam's House Blend has documented the lickety-split beginning of the Unraveling of It All for South Carolina Gov. Mark "Don't Cry for Me" Sanford, reporting:
"The Values Voter Summit has scrubbed Sanford from the list of its invited speakers, I captured the Google cache here." (Click to enlarge, of course.)

Labels: Mark Sanford, Pam's House Blend, Values Voters
You know, the sad thing is that what counts as "anti-values" is being caught having an affair while married. It doesn't matter if you try to screw tens of thousands of people in your home state out of federally funded jobs in order to advance your national political career. Christian values, indeed.
Jeez, I thought that the Governor's disappearance was just because those people down there are always cryin' for "less government". Turns out, that along with the Ensign affair, it's some kind of "see, we got some heteros, too. It's a big tent." publicity campaign. I now fully expect that the governor of Alabamy will reveal the he spent last weekend in a neighbor's barn with a ewe, and Dubya, thinking that sheep and goats are the same, will send him his upside down copy of "My Pet Goat". Well, at least it all solves the inbreeding problem. "The Repug Party: It's not just for men anymore!"
Great point, B -- but heck, it's not exactly a new discovery that sex sells. And there is certainly some justice in being able to catch those people blithely disregarding the moral strictures they're so free to impose on others.
And Noah, you might show some compassion for those poor debbil R's, who are probably all trying to find out now where the heck Argentina is, since that seems to be the place to go for, you know, "it."
Ken, Imagine a world... where one of these guys ends up with a Lorena Bobbit! Oh man, would THAT be something!
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